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Invalid KDC administrator credentials
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Apache Ambari
Created on
08:39 PM
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Hi ,
I am trying to setup Kerberos on HA enabled cluster , using Ambari GUI
GUI keep on saying : "Invalid KDC administrator credentials. Please enter admin principal and password."
ambari-server.log , show below error message
Jul 2017 19:43:25,469 ERROR [ambari-client-thread-34] KerberosHelperImpl:1861 - Cannot validate credentials: org.apache.ambari.server.serveraction.kerberos.KerberosAdminAuthenticationException: Invalid KDC administrator credentials. The KDC administrator credentials must be set as a persisted or temporary credential resource.This may be done by issuing a POST (or PUT for updating) to the /api/v1/clusters/:clusterName/credentials/kdc.admin.credential API entry point with the following payload: { "Credential" : { "principal" : "(PRINCIPAL)", "key" : "(PASSWORD)", "type" : "(persisted|temporary)"} } } 13 Jul 2017 19:43:25,469 ERROR [ambari-client-thread-34] BaseManagementHandler:67 - Bad request received: Invalid KDC administrator credentials. The KDC administrator credentials must be set as a persisted or temporary credential resource.This may be done by issuing a POST (or PUT for updating) to the /api/v1/clusters/:clusterName/credentials/kdc.admin.credential API entry point with the following payload: { "Credential" : { "principal" : "(PRINCIPAL)", "key" : "(PASSWORD)", "type" : "(persisted|temporary)"} } }
AS per the : https://community.hortonworks.com/articles/42927/adding-kdc-administrator-credentials-to-the-ambari.... , I successfully implemented belwo steps.
1) ambari-server setup-security
2) curl -H "X-Requested-By:ambari" -u admin:admin -X POST -d '{ "Credential" : { "principal" : "kadmin", "key" : "kadmin", "type" : "persisted" } }' http://ambari01.dev.dataquest.com:8080/api/v1/clusters/dev_cluster/credentials/kdc.admin.credential
3) curl -H "X-Requested-By:ambari" -u admin:admin -X GET http://ambari01.dev.dataquest.com:8080/api/v1/clusters/dev_cluster/credentials/kdc.admin.credential
Still having the problem
Below are my input in Ambari / Kerberos GUI setup
KDC HOST : kdc.dev.dataquest.com
LDAP URL : ldaps://dev.dataquest.com:636
Container DN : OU=service-accounts,OU=core,dc=dev,dc=dataquest,dc=com
Domains: dev.dataquest.com,.dev.dataquest.com
Kadmin Host : kdc.dev.dataquest.com
Admin principal: kadmin
Admin password : kadmin
I also tried with Admin principle as kadmin@DEV.DATAQUEST.COM . Still no luck.
ldapsearch : command wokrs fine
Can you please suggest the resolution
Created 08-01-2017 02:58 PM
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Can you check Kerberos ACL?
RHEL/CentOS/Oracle Linux
vi /var/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
vi /var/lib/kerberos/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
vi /etc/krb5kdc/kadm5.acl
Default settings would be similar to:
or in your case */admin@DEV.DATAQUEST.COM*
This means that only principals matching the above regex would be considered as admins.
So try changing your principal to kadmin/admin@DEV.DATAQUEST.COM instead.
Or add a line in the acl giving permission to kadmin.
Let me know if this works.
Created 08-14-2017 08:05 AM
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After creating the KDC databases do the following.
While logged on the KDC server kdc.dev.dataquest.com as root on this example is on Centos7
## Check the Principals yours should look like this
# sudo kadmin.localAuthenticating as principal root/admin@DEV.DATAQUEST.COM with password. kadmin.local: listprincs K/M@DEV.DATAQUEST.COM kadmin/admin@DEV.DATAQUEST.COM kadmin/changepw@DEV.DATAQUEST.COM kadmin/ kdc.dev.dataquest.com@DEV.DATAQUEST.COM kiprop/ kdc.dev.dataquest.com@DEV.DATAQUEST.COM krbtgt/DEV.DATAQUEST.COM@DEV.DATAQUEST.COM kadmin.local:
You MUST create a root principal for kerberization
kadmin.local: addprinc root/admin WARNING: no policy specified for root/admin@UPUTEST.CH; defaulting to no policy Enter password for principal "root/admin@UPUTEST.CH": {KDC_password} Re-enter password for principal "root/admin@DEV.DATAQUEST.COM": {KDC_password} Principal "root/admin@DEV.DATAQUEST.COM" created.
And this is the admin you will use in the Ambari UI kerberizaton tool
root/admin@DEV.DATAQUEST.COM password {KDC_password}
Created 06-23-2018 05:00 PM
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You got a couple of responses to the issue you raised but never gave a feedback. You should realize HCC members go a long way to help and it would not be fair that you just keep quiet, that's not an opensource spirit.
Answers members strive to find will also help others who encounter the same issues so in that spirit your feedback is very important.
Please don't forget to vote a helpful answer and accept the best answer.
Created 10-25-2019 12:08 AM
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This worked for me. Thank you so much!
Created on 10-25-2019 12:24 AM - edited 10-25-2019 12:27 AM
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Good to know it worked out for you? Which solution was that? it's good if you could elaborate so other members could use it as a quick win and that will also give you points or just mark the post you referenced as a solution so the Cloudera community members can use a filter to get a quick solution🙂
Giving back to the community happy hadooping🙂
Created 12-02-2019 12:03 AM
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@naveensangam @jepe_desu
In reference to Invalid KDC administrator credentials issue raised by @naveensangam I wrote a walkthrough of the solution that resolved the issue for other users like @jepe_desu who had encountered exactly the same problem.
@naveensangam can you update the thread if my solution resolved your issue or if not can you share what errors you have. Once you accept an answer it can be referenced by other members for similar issues rather than starting a new thread.
Happy hadooping
Created 05-02-2018 12:27 AM
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Hi Naveen
I am also facing same issue while enabling kerberos with exiting active directory KDC. Is that problem resolved?
Can you please help me?
,Hi Naveen
I am also facing same issue while enabling Kerberos with existing Active Directory KDC. Is that problem resolved?
Can you help me?
Created 06-23-2018 04:09 PM
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facing same issue 😞
Created 06-23-2018 04:53 PM
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Can you share the error you are encountering, you could be having something different!
Could you open a new thread it will get more attention.