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Invalid OperationHandle: OperationHandle [opType=EXECUTE_STATEMENT, getHandleIdentifier

Expert Contributor

Hello cloudera community,


we have the following problem:


we are using powerbi with hortonworks odbc driver to connect to hive in cluster ambari, hdp 2.6.5


the connection is made successfully, but when making a query on a table that has 23 thousand rows, it returns the following error below:


Erro do OLE DB ou do ODBC : [DataSource.Error] ERROR [HY000] [Hortonworks][Hardy] (35) Error from server: error code: '0' error message: 'Invalid OperationHandle: OperationHandle [opType=EXECUTE_STATEMENT, getHandleIdentifier()=0345789f-6c9a-4990-adf5-f823232338]'..

if we make a query putting a limiter of at most 10,000 thousand lines in the select, the result is ok

what could be causing this problem?


PS: there are queries in powerbi with the same ODBC in other tables that have more than 200 thousand rows and the result is OK too



Rising Star

Invalid OperationHandle: OperationHandle


  • This exception occurs when there are multiple HiveServer2 instances and access them using Zookeeper/Knox with failover configured
  • When a query(irrespective of number of rows) took more time and HS2 is not able to respond within the defined timeout, ZK/KNOX will do a failover to the next available HS2
  • Since the other HS2 is unaware of the Query/Operation Handle, it throws Invalid OperationHandle exception

To solve this problem


  • Check if we can optimize the query to run faster either by adding a filter or splitting the available data into multiple tables and then query them in separate queries etc
  • Check if HS2 is utilized beyond its capacity like
    • using 200 connections at a given point in time for a 24GB heap of HS2/HMS
    • HMS backend database not able to cope up to serve requests from HMS
  • Check yarn queue has enough capacity to serve the query otherwise query will be in waiting state
  • Check if HDFS is healthy and Namenode is able to respond to the requests without delays
  • Sometimes if Ranger needs to check too many files/directories in HDFS before the query gets executed
  • If Load balancer is used, sticky sessions should be enabled so that one-one relationship gets established for opened connections avoiding failover to another HS2 instance

The above explanation holds good for any version of Hive