Hi everyone,
I have a issue on Nifi 1.15.3 InvokeScriptedProcessor (Groovy), I set a custom property in sensitive in my processor, put for value a context parameter which is sensitive too, but when i'm trying to context.getProperty, it return the expression #{blahblah} instead of the value.
This problem is "new", the flow was working, and one day, the token from sensitive value was not evaluated anymore...
My property declaration :
def externalRequestTokenDescriptor = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder().name("External request token")
.description("External request token")
Context param setup :
Sensitive property setup :
How i get the property :
context.getProperty("External request token").getValue();
(Add .evaluateAttributeExpressions(flowFile) do nothing)
And when i want to use (or put in attribute for debug only) the value, it's not "Bonjour", but #{env.genm006.api.externalRequestToken}, not evaluated.
It's not the first time I have trouble with sensitive property (It block reboot of Nifi 1.12 for example) but right now I'm stuck...
Thanks by advance