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Is it posibble to force a nifi processor to stop

Expert Contributor


I have a nifi processor PutHiveQL, yesterday i stoped the processor doing maintenance on my dataflow. But i doenst seems to be stopped. The status says stopped and there is a red sqare on it, but when right click it does not provide the tsatr option or configuration option, only view configuration.

The queue connected to the processor holds some flowfiles

How can i force a processor to stop from commandline.



@Simon Jespersen

You can use the rest-api to issue a command to stop the processor. But, if you already stopped it via the UI, then issuing a command using the rest-api probably wouldn't make any difference.

It sounds like the processor is allowing the last thread to complete before releasing the thread. If it does not complete is a reasonable amount of time, roughly a few minutes, you will have to restart NiFi to force it to release the thread. Try reloading the page and see if that makes a difference.

Has this processor not stopped previously when making changes to your dataflow?

View solution in original post



@Simon Jespersen

You can use the rest-api to issue a command to stop the processor. But, if you already stopped it via the UI, then issuing a command using the rest-api probably wouldn't make any difference.

It sounds like the processor is allowing the last thread to complete before releasing the thread. If it does not complete is a reasonable amount of time, roughly a few minutes, you will have to restart NiFi to force it to release the thread. Try reloading the page and see if that makes a difference.

Has this processor not stopped previously when making changes to your dataflow?

Expert Contributor

Thanks for your reply, i did restart the nifi service and it solved the issue. It id a dataflow i have been working on for some time now and i have startet and stopped the processors many time in that period. It would be nice with a option to force this without having to restart the whole service.