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Is nifi-registry 0.3.0 mature enough for use

Rising Star

How mature is the nifi registry? The download page suggests that it is only at version 0.3.0. Is this the proper place to download the registry? Is there still momentum to ensure that this key component is on the road to maturity?

I also dont see much here:

Can I use the registry in its current 0.3.0 form?


Master Guru

It's always safest to use the version that is part of the official HDF release for support purposes.

That is registry 0.2.0.

Version 0.3.0 will be in the next release - HDF 3.3 which will be out in a reasonable time frame.

See these notes for your own purposes:

There is a Ranger update and some security updates. If you are a user of the open source tool suite, feel free to upgrade. I would recommend trying on a dev cluster first and test for a few weeks.

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Master Guru

It's always safest to use the version that is part of the official HDF release for support purposes.

That is registry 0.2.0.

Version 0.3.0 will be in the next release - HDF 3.3 which will be out in a reasonable time frame.

See these notes for your own purposes:

There is a Ranger update and some security updates. If you are a user of the open source tool suite, feel free to upgrade. I would recommend trying on a dev cluster first and test for a few weeks.

Rising Star

Thank you @Timothy Spann. That is indeed the right way to go. Additionally, my initial look at the registry seems to suggest that it contains support for versioning at the process group level. For some reason I thought I saw a registry JIRA issue that suggested it did not support that. I started to try it out yesterday. If we decide to use NIFI, we will definitely do so through the official HDF release. Right now I am in an evaluation mode to see if it can suit the needs of a mission critical system.