I am trying to develop a custom processor following answers regarding the same. (Ex: https://community.cloudera.com/t5/Community-Articles/Build-Custom-Nifi-Processor/ta-p/244734). My use-case is that I need to add some additional functionality to ListS3 processor. I followed the maven command and successfully generated MyProcessor.java.
Could anybody please help me with steps on how I use ListS3 code and edit on top of it. Do I need to clone entire nifi repo or nifi-aws-bundle? If yes, how to integrate nifi-aws-bundle and my nifi-customProcessor-bundle? Tried few solutions recommended but these error still remains -
- Cannot resolve symbol 'amazonaws'
- Cannot resolve symbol 'list'
- Cannot resolve symbol 'AbstractS3Processor'
- Cannot resolve symbol 'getLogger'
- Incompatible types. Found: 'org.apache.nifi.processors.customProcessor.CustomProcessor.ListedS3VersionSummaryTracker', required: 'ListedEntityTracker<ListableEntityWrapper<S3VersionSummary>>'
and many similar errors.
Thank you for looking into this problem in advance!