Created 05-18-2016 04:53 PM
I want execute the follow sql :
INSERT INTO TABLE db_h_gss.tb_h_teste_insert values( teste_2, teste_3, teste_1, PARTITION (cod_index=1) ) from SELECT CAST(teste_1 AS VARCHAR(200)), CAST(teste_2 AS VARCHAR(200)), CAST(teste_3 AS VARCHAR(200)), FROM db_h_gss.tb_h_teste_orig limit 10;
It's possible, insert with subquery? This command doesnt work, i tried many ways and none worked.
This is the create table (destination)
CREATE TABLE db_h_gss.tb_h_teste_insert (teste_1 VARCHAR(200), teste_2 VARCHAR(200), teste_3 VARCHAR(200) ) PARTITIONED BY(cod_index int ) STORED AS ORC;
Created 05-18-2016 05:07 PM
Yup possible. Remove the VALUES, remove the FROM:
Syntax is:
INSERT INTO TABLE xxx partiton ( xxx ) SELECT xxx;
You don't need to specify any columns or data types. It just needs to fit to your target table. ( all columns need to match, the only potential issue is the partition column. For example if you specify a specific partition you cannot have the partition column in the select clause, if you specify dynamic partitioning you need the partition columns )
You mixed up the from query and values parts.
Created 05-18-2016 05:20 PM
Thanks Leonard, but, that is my problem, im looking a way to insert specifying the fields\columns in the target table.
It is to improve the display command.
The idea is to show that:
Column A in target table corresponds to column A in table orig
Thanks again.
Created 05-18-2016 05:27 PM
The columns and orders just need to match. Not sure about the question.
Let's assume
Table A ( daily data )
col a, col b, col c, col dt
Table B ( fact table with subset of columns reordered )
col c, col a partitioned by dt
So if you know the date is only today you can just select the columns you need in the order you need them:
or if you want dynamic partitoning you need to add the partition column at the end:
Created 05-18-2016 05:43 PM
I already did the insert, this command worked :
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE db_h_gss.tb_h_teste_insert PARTITION (cod_index=1) SELECT CAST(teste_1 AS VARCHAR(200)), CAST(teste_2 AS VARCHAR(200)), CAST(teste_3 AS VARCHAR(200)) FROM db_h_gss.tb_h_teste_orig limit 100;
But, now, im looking another way to insert data in target table(tb_h_teste_insert), where I show the fields\columns in the target table and the fields\columns corresponding of the source table.
Thanks again.
Created 05-18-2016 06:07 PM
"But, now, im looking another way to insert data in target table(tb_h_teste_insert), where I show the fields\columns in the target table and the fields\columns corresponding of the source table.
I didn't understand the question at all. What do you want to do exactly? Quizas mejor en espanol?
Created 05-18-2016 06:29 PM
Created 05-18-2016 06:36 PM
i will try explain what i want.
case 1:
INSERT INTO TABLE db_h_gss.tb_h_teste_insert
PARTITION (cod_index=1)
CAST(teste_1 AS VARCHAR(200)), CAST(teste_2 AS VARCHAR(200)), CAST(teste_3 AS VARCHAR(200))
FROM db_h_gss.tb_h_teste_orig;
This command works, but i cant see which column "teste_1"(tb_h_teste_orig) corresponds in target table(tb_h_teste_insert)
case 2 :
INSERT INTO TABLE db_h_gss.tb_h_teste_insert
teste_1, teste_2, teste_3, PARTITION (cod_index=1)
CAST(teste_1 AS VARCHAR(200)),
CAST(teste_2 AS VARCHAR(200)),
CAST(teste_3 AS VARCHAR(200))
FROM db_h_gss.tb_h_teste_orig ;
This command doesnt work, but, you can see that i'm trying insert in "teste_1"(target table) the column "teste_1" from tb_h_teste_orig.
Sorry my english, but my spanish is worse.
thanks again
Created 05-18-2016 06:43 PM
haha, no worries. I still don't get the question, if you were missing some of the columns in the target table Eugene's link would help. But you don't. You have all of the columns of the target table so I do not get what you are trying to achieve. Your query already works no? If you need to change the order of columns you can just specify them in a different order?
So what exactly is better in your first query than in your second query apart from adding additional redundant information?
Created 05-18-2016 07:00 PM
Somehow, thats it i want, redundancy, only to improve the display command.
Im reading the Eugene's link right now.