Created 05-18-2016 04:53 PM
I want execute the follow sql :
INSERT INTO TABLE db_h_gss.tb_h_teste_insert values( teste_2, teste_3, teste_1, PARTITION (cod_index=1) ) from SELECT CAST(teste_1 AS VARCHAR(200)), CAST(teste_2 AS VARCHAR(200)), CAST(teste_3 AS VARCHAR(200)), FROM db_h_gss.tb_h_teste_orig limit 10;
It's possible, insert with subquery? This command doesnt work, i tried many ways and none worked.
This is the create table (destination)
CREATE TABLE db_h_gss.tb_h_teste_insert (teste_1 VARCHAR(200), teste_2 VARCHAR(200), teste_3 VARCHAR(200) ) PARTITIONED BY(cod_index int ) STORED AS ORC;
Created 05-18-2016 07:06 PM
Yeah I still don't get what you get out of it, you could just add a comment to it with the column names of the target table. But I don't see any functional enhancement.
Regarding Eugene's link I just tried it, essentially the trick is if your target table has more columns than your select and you want to set the remainder null you can now select a subset of columns in the target table. Like:
insert into test30 (id) select * from test31;
insert into test34 (id_target) select id from test31;
In this case any additional column in the target table is null.
However I just tried it with partitioned tables and it doesn't seem to work for me. Looks like a bug. You could open a support case if that doesn't work. However for your usecase where you have all columns in both tables I really don't see the point.
insert into table test32(id) partition(dt=3) select * from test31;
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.HiveParser.regularBody(
at org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.parse.HiveParser.queryStatementExpressionBody(
Created 05-19-2016 06:09 PM
it should be insert into table test32 partition(dt=3) (id) select * from test31;
Created 05-21-2016 04:56 PM
ah thanks.
Created 05-19-2016 12:16 PM
Well, i give up, i will use the command that works....heheh
thanks to all...
Created 05-20-2016 09:53 AM
Hello! The WITH HQL clause (inherited from SQL) may help you be a bit more explicit in your transformations and accomplish something similar to your case 2:
WITH TABLE1 AS ( SELECT cod_index, CAST(teste_1 AS VARCHAR(200)), CAST(teste_2 AS VARCHAR(200)), CAST(teste_3 AS VARCHAR(200)) FROM db_h_gss.tb_h_teste_orig ) INSERT INTO TABLE db_h_gss.tb_h_teste_insert PARTITION (cod_index = 1) SELECT teste_1, teste_2, teste_3 FROM TABLE1 WHERE cod_index = 1;