Running shell actions(Only sleep command) in Oozie workflows for more than 7 days throws JA017 error on exit.
We saw this problem in a shell script that submits a spark job.
Spark job succeeded but submit shell action failed.
We tested by creating a shell action that does a simple sleep and we see the same failure.
I saw this blog and tried to increase max-lifetime
dfs.namenode.delegation.token.max-lifetime (hdfs-site.xml)
restart NameNode, Oozie, YARN ResourceManager
but the same fails.
If I run the Oozie workflow and look at the logs, I see that I get 3 delegation tokens.
Because the dfs.namenode.delegation.token.max-lifetime setting value is increased, the maxDate of HDFS_DELEGATION_TOKEN is increased.
The maxDate of RM_DELEGATION_TOKEN and MR_DELEGATION_TOKEN tokens did not increase.
Why does authentication problem occur due to expiration of delegation token when Oozie shell action is terminated?
Can't just increasing dfs.namenode.delegation.token.max-lifetime solve this problem?
How to run Shell Actions for long periods of time in Oozie?