Created 06-12-2024 02:27 AM
This is my input JSON,
"CustomFields": [
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"Value": "May 7 2024 12:00AM",
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"PaidDate": "2024-05-08T13:41:00",
"CancelledDate": "2024-06-06T09:11:40.027",
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"ModelOrderId": null,
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"ReturnOfCapital": null,
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"RecallablePreferredReturn": null,
"ProfitAboveHurdle": null,
"RecallableProfitAboveHurdle": null,
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"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
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"Type": "dropdown",
"Id": 120
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"DataType": "nvarchar",
"Value": "CEFT",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
"IsRequired": 1,
"ViewName": "RemptionMode",
"Type": "dropdown",
"Id": 128
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"Value": "7311001",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
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"Type": "inputfield",
"Id": 129
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"DataType": "nvarchar",
"Value": " C.Y.L. FONSEKAtest1",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
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"Type": "inputfield",
"Id": 130
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"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
"IsRequired": 0,
"ViewName": "RedemptionAccountCode",
"Type": "inputfield",
"Id": 131
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"FieldName": "Money Received Date",
"DataType": "datetime",
"Value": "",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
"IsRequired": 0,
"ViewName": "MoneyReceivedDate",
"Type": "inputfield",
"Id": 132
"PrimaryId": 598869,
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"Value": "",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
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"Type": "dropdown",
"Id": 152
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"Value": "",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
"IsRequired": 0,
"ViewName": "Amount",
"Type": "inputfield",
"Id": 153
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"FieldName": "FX Rate",
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"Value": "",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
"IsRequired": 0,
"ViewName": "FXRate",
"Type": "inputfield",
"Id": 154
"PrimaryId": 598869,
"FieldName": "Calculate Exit Fee",
"DataType": "nvarchar",
"Value": "Yes",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
"IsRequired": 0,
"ViewName": "CalculateExitFee",
"Type": "dropdown",
"Id": 177
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"FieldName": "Exit Fee",
"DataType": "money",
"Value": "",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
"IsRequired": 0,
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"Type": "inputfield",
"Id": 178
"PrimaryId": 598869,
"FieldName": "FOF Link",
"DataType": "int",
"Value": "",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
"IsRequired": 0,
"ViewName": "FOFLink",
"Type": "inputfield",
"Id": 179
"PrimaryId": 598869,
"FieldName": "Cheque Number ",
"DataType": "nvarchar",
"Value": "",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
"IsRequired": 0,
"ViewName": "ChequeNumber",
"Type": "inputfield",
"Id": 188
"PrimaryId": 598869,
"FieldName": "Locking Start Date",
"DataType": "datetime",
"Value": "",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 1,
"IsRequired": 0,
"ViewName": "LockingStartDate",
"Type": "inputfield",
"Id": 236
"PrimaryId": 598869,
"FieldName": "Collection Account(from Investrack)",
"DataType": "nvarchar",
"Value": "",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
"IsRequired": 0,
"ViewName": "CollectionAccount",
"Type": "inputfield",
"Id": 240
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"FieldName": "Order From Investrack",
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"Value": "",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
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"Type": "dropdown",
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"FieldName": "APX Trade Date",
"DataType": "datetime",
"Value": "May 8 2024 12:00AM",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
"IsRequired": 0,
"ViewName": "ApxTradeDate",
"Type": "inputfield",
"Id": 250
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"Value": "Yes",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
"IsRequired": 0,
"ViewName": "Skipdocumentcheck",
"Type": "dropdown",
"Id": 251
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"Value": "",
"HideFromExternalDistributor": 0,
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"ViewName": "Ipcounter",
"Type": "inputfield",
"Id": 261
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"Id": 598869,
"Guid": "6e7c2597-30be-4aa1-9db5-0fa53716c60a",
"Created": "2024-05-08T13:04:48.007",
"Amount": 11120,
"SwitchPercent": null,
"Quantity": 0,
"ItemPrice": null,
"Kid": null,
"PaymentDate": "2024-05-08T13:04:00",
"CustomerAccountId": null,
"CustomerAccountName": null,
"CustomerAccountNumber": null,
"TradeTypeId": 2,
"TradeTypeProgId": "SELL",
"TradeTypeName": "Sell",
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"CurrencyIso": "LKR",
"CurrencyName": "Rupee",
"PortfolioId": 2076305,
"PortfolioExternalId": null,
"PortfolioName": "Y.L. FONSEKA (02)",
"ProductId": 28431,
"ProductIsin": "LKNWMNU00002",
"AgreementId": null,
"AgreementExternalId": null,
"AgreementName": null,
"FeeId": 2343,
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"CommissionId": null,
"CommissionName": null,
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"CommissionValue": null,
"PaymentTypeId": 81,
"PaymentTypeProgId": "GENERIC_OT",
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"UserName": "acupdateU",
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"ToExchangeAmount": 11120,
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"SupplierItemPrice": null,
"TradeDate": "2024-05-07T00:00:00",
"SettleDate": null,
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"ExternalId": null,
"FeePercent": 0,
"GibPercent": 0,
"ExchangeAccountId": null,
"IncentiveDate": null,
"PaidDate": null,
"CancelledDate": "2024-06-06T09:11:40.153",
"StatusChangeDate": "2024-06-06T09:12:00",
"SavingsId": null,
"ModelOrderId": null,
"CashProductId": 28137,
"CashProductIsin": null,
"CashProductName": "Cash Account",
"SupplierFeeAmount": 0,
"SupplierFeePercent": 0,
"SupplierFeeId": 2343,
"SupplierNetFeeAmount": 11120,
"CustodyId": 0,
"CustodianId": 0,
"CashUpFront": 0,
"OrderMatchId": null,
"LotNumber": -1,
"InterestDays": null,
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"OwnerId": 22752,
"OrderdetailTypeId": null,
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"OrderdetailComment": null,
"PeriodicRedemptionId": null,
"CreatedByUserId": 22752,
"IsSettledInAmount": 1,
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"NavDate": null,
"CostDate": null,
"CommittedCapital": null,
"ContributedCapital": null,
"Recallable": 0,
"PortfolioTypeId": 140,
"PortfolioTypeProgId": "UNIT TRUST",
"PortfolioTypeName": "APX TYPE",
"SellShort": 0,
"OrderHeaderId": null,
"PortfolioExternalNumericId": 16438,
"AxysPortfolioId": "1007919-02",
"RecordDate": null,
"RequiresApproval": "NO",
"Interest": null,
"AlternativeFee1": null,
"AlternativeFee2": null,
"ChannelProgId": "CUSTOM17",
"ChannelName": "API use only",
"OrderdetialTypeProgId": null,
"OrderdetialTypeName": null,
"OrderSourceId": null,
"OrderSourceValue": null,
"OrderSource": null,
"CustomerPersonalId": "1007919",
"DistributorProgId": null,
"CreatedByUserName": "acupdateU",
"BulkOrder": 0,
"FlowCode": null,
"ReturnOfCapital": null,
"RecallableReturnOfCapital": null,
"PreferredReturn": null,
"RecallablePreferredReturn": null,
"ProfitAboveHurdle": null,
"RecallableProfitAboveHurdle": null,
"TaxDistributionAmount": null,
"IsTaxDistribution": 0
Here is my JOLT spec,
Created 06-12-2024 06:47 AM
Hi ,
Just a word of advice so you get better luck with your posts getting noticed and possibly someone to provide you with possible resolution: If you can shorten your json input next time to be isolated only to the problem that would be more helpful. You dont have to post the 99% that works with the 1% that doesnt as long as it doesnt affect the overall structure. For example if you have 50 fields you can just post 1-2 fields and if you have an array of 50 elements , 1-2 elements should be enough.
Going to your problem , if you know that you will only have two amounts all the times as you specified, then you can intercept them in the first shift spec and assign the proper field names (Amount1, Amount2 ) as follows:
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"CustomFields": {
"*": {
"ViewName": {
"Amount": {
"@(2,Value)": "[&5].Amount1"
"*": {
"@(2,Value)": "[&5].&1"
"PortfolioSharing": {
"*": {
"@(0,PortfolioId)": "[&3].sharing_PortfolioId",
"@(0,CustomerId)": "[&3].sharing_CustomerId",
"@(0,PersonalId)": "[&3].sharing_PersonalId",
"@(0,ReasonId)": "[&3].sharing_ReasonId",
"@(0,ReasonProgId)": "[&3].sharing_ReasonProgId",
"@(0,ReasonName)": "[&3].sharing_ReasonName",
"@(0,Comment)": "[&3].sharing_Comment",
"@(0,TypeId)": "[&3].sharing_TypeId",
"@(0,TypeProgId)": "[&3].sharing_TypeProgId",
"@(0,TypeName)": "[&3].sharing_TypeName"
"Amount": "[&1].Amount2",
"*": "[&1].&"
"operation": "modify-default-beta",
"spec": {
"*": {
// trx_customer
"ResidentNonresident": "@(1,Resident/Non-resident)",
"NationalityCountryofIncorporation": "@(1,Nationality/CountryofIncorporation)",
"PermanantTownCity": "@(1,PermanantTown/City)",
"SubsidiaryAssociateofanotherorganization": "@(1,Subsidiary/Associateofanotherorganization)",
"Howdidyougettoknowaboutus": "@(1,Howdidyougettoknowaboutus?)",
// trx_portfolio
"UseBankAccountFromCustomer": "@(1,UseBankAccountFromCustomer?)"
"operation": "remove",
"spec": {
"*": {
// trx_customer
"Resident/Non-resident": "",
"Nationality/CountryofIncorporation": "",
"PermanantTown/City": "",
"Subsidiary/Associateofanotherorganization": "",
"NatureOf_Business": "",
"Howdidyougettoknowaboutus?": "",
"UseBankAccountFromCustomer?": ""
} /**/
Hope that solve your problem.
If you found this is helpful, please accept the solution.
Created 06-12-2024 06:47 AM
Hi ,
Just a word of advice so you get better luck with your posts getting noticed and possibly someone to provide you with possible resolution: If you can shorten your json input next time to be isolated only to the problem that would be more helpful. You dont have to post the 99% that works with the 1% that doesnt as long as it doesnt affect the overall structure. For example if you have 50 fields you can just post 1-2 fields and if you have an array of 50 elements , 1-2 elements should be enough.
Going to your problem , if you know that you will only have two amounts all the times as you specified, then you can intercept them in the first shift spec and assign the proper field names (Amount1, Amount2 ) as follows:
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"*": {
"CustomFields": {
"*": {
"ViewName": {
"Amount": {
"@(2,Value)": "[&5].Amount1"
"*": {
"@(2,Value)": "[&5].&1"
"PortfolioSharing": {
"*": {
"@(0,PortfolioId)": "[&3].sharing_PortfolioId",
"@(0,CustomerId)": "[&3].sharing_CustomerId",
"@(0,PersonalId)": "[&3].sharing_PersonalId",
"@(0,ReasonId)": "[&3].sharing_ReasonId",
"@(0,ReasonProgId)": "[&3].sharing_ReasonProgId",
"@(0,ReasonName)": "[&3].sharing_ReasonName",
"@(0,Comment)": "[&3].sharing_Comment",
"@(0,TypeId)": "[&3].sharing_TypeId",
"@(0,TypeProgId)": "[&3].sharing_TypeProgId",
"@(0,TypeName)": "[&3].sharing_TypeName"
"Amount": "[&1].Amount2",
"*": "[&1].&"
"operation": "modify-default-beta",
"spec": {
"*": {
// trx_customer
"ResidentNonresident": "@(1,Resident/Non-resident)",
"NationalityCountryofIncorporation": "@(1,Nationality/CountryofIncorporation)",
"PermanantTownCity": "@(1,PermanantTown/City)",
"SubsidiaryAssociateofanotherorganization": "@(1,Subsidiary/Associateofanotherorganization)",
"Howdidyougettoknowaboutus": "@(1,Howdidyougettoknowaboutus?)",
// trx_portfolio
"UseBankAccountFromCustomer": "@(1,UseBankAccountFromCustomer?)"
"operation": "remove",
"spec": {
"*": {
// trx_customer
"Resident/Non-resident": "",
"Nationality/CountryofIncorporation": "",
"PermanantTown/City": "",
"Subsidiary/Associateofanotherorganization": "",
"NatureOf_Business": "",
"Howdidyougettoknowaboutus?": "",
"UseBankAccountFromCustomer?": ""
} /**/
Hope that solve your problem.
If you found this is helpful, please accept the solution.