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Kafka working with expired certificates

New Contributor

Hello, I have an expired certificate for Kafka on my server, my Kafka runs from Cloudera Manager, as follows:



But my Kafka Server still working just like my consumers and producers connections via SSL.

Can anyone help me to know if it's a bug or misconfiguration?


Super Guru

@an_dutra  My guess is that it's a misconfiguration on your cluster. I just tested this on my Kafka cluster and once the certificate expires, if I try to connect to the cluster with a Kafka client I get the following exception:


Caused by: PKIX path validation failed:
Caused by: validity check failed
Caused by: NotAfter: Tue Feb 08 03:45:00 UTC 2022

The Kafka brokers will continue to run, though. However, if they are stopped and I try to start them again, they will fail to start with the same exception as the one above.

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