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Kerberos Connect with jdbc

New Contributor

When I try to connect with mssql and kerberos I get the message "java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class"

When I'm trying to set false credentials I get another message so the kerberos itself seems to work.

I set the driver location, classname and in the connectionstring itself I use authenticationScheme=JavaKerberos. Jaas Config and kerberos config are also there. How I can get more Information for my problem? What I am missing?


Community Manager

Welcome to the community @Fuz. While you wait for a more knowledgable person to respond, can you provide the driver version ?


Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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New Contributor
I tried it with mssql-jdbc-12.4.2.jre11.jar and mssql-jdbc-12.6.1.jre11.jar with no difference. I also added the path /enu/jars of the package to the path. I also tried to reference it in the db controller service as folder and direct as file. It can’t be found somehow.

New Contributor


did you ever find a solution? I am running into the same error. Even tried mssql-12.2.0 and mssql-8.2.2.