Created on 11-15-2016 09:43 PM - edited 08-19-2019 05:01 AM
Following your HCC tutorial on kerberizing cluster with FreeIPA. Run into error where the password for the test principle always expire
Performing kinit using qi1-111516@FIELD.HORTONWORKS.COM 2016-11-15 21:33:42,394 - Execute['/usr/bin/kinit -c /var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp/kerberos_service_check_cc_79b5f4cfa04c21fdbd26a3e07b45366e -kt /etc/security/keytabs/kerberos.service_check.111516.keytab qi1-111516@FIELD.HORTONWORKS.COM'] {'user': 'ambari-qa'} 2016-11-15 21:33:42,460 - File['/var/lib/ambari-agent/tmp/kerberos_service_check_cc_79b5f4cfa04c21fdbd26a3e07b45366e'] {'action': ['delete']} Command failed after 1 tries
I updated password global policy to make it never expire, and the user is using that policy
ipa pwpolicy-mod --maxlife=0 --minlife=0 global_policy
[root@qwang-hdp ~]# ipa pwpolicy-show --user=qi1-111516 Group: global_policy Max lifetime (days): 0 Min lifetime (hours): 0 History size: 0 Character classes: 0 Min length: 8 Max failures: 6 Failure reset interval: 60 Lockout duration: 600
But if I kinit with the user, it will ask me to reset the password anyway.
This seems to related to the second requirement of the wizard, but I can't make it work
Greatly appreciate if you could provide some advice.
Created 12-18-2016 06:48 AM
You need a really recent FreeIPA to support --maxlife=0 ( If you are on supported Redhat or CentOS then you probably you don't have it, unless you rolled your own.
You can find out by checking the krbPasswordExpiration attribute of the user. It shouldn't be there. In that case you can try to set it ( or update your password policy to a lifetime of say 10 years or so (dont go beyond 2038)
Created 11-18-2016 11:10 AM
Can you try to create the keytab for the test user, and always do kinit from the keytab ("kinit -kt <keytab-file-name>" command). Ambari service checks are supposed to use the ambari-qa user and the wizard is supposed to create its keytab as well.
Created 12-18-2016 06:48 AM
You need a really recent FreeIPA to support --maxlife=0 ( If you are on supported Redhat or CentOS then you probably you don't have it, unless you rolled your own.
You can find out by checking the krbPasswordExpiration attribute of the user. It shouldn't be there. In that case you can try to set it ( or update your password policy to a lifetime of say 10 years or so (dont go beyond 2038)