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ListDatabaseTables not getting data


I'm having an issue where my ListDatabaseTables processor is not returning anything.  I know my DBCPConnection is set up properly because I have another processor using it and am able to get output.  I'm using Nifi 1.9.2 locally set up on my windows 10 machine and it's connected to an Oracle 18c database.    Catalog and Schema Pattern are blank, Table name pattern: %LU% (I want all tables with 'LU' in the name), Table Types: Table, Include Count: False, Refresh Interval: 0 sec


Expert Contributor



That processor maintains state, it could be that you might have run it at one point.

You can verify by right clicking on the processor and going to "view state"

If there are values there then at one point it ran, and you probably want to clear the state.


To do so you can do that by clicking on "clear state" on the same place you viewed the state.


**** Make sure your processor is stopped.


Hope that helps.


That helped, thanks!