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Logs are unavailable because Application Timeline Service seems unhealthy and could not connect to the JobHistory server.


When we try to get YARN log from cloudera manager, it's shopiwng following


 Logs are unavailable because Application Timeline Service seems unhealthy and could not connect to the JobHistory server.
Please help anyone?

Community Manager

Hi! @Choolake 

To help you get the best possible solution, I have tagged our CDP experts @venkatsambath @abdulpasithali @upadhyayk04  who may be able to assist you further.

Please keep us updated on your post, and we hope you find a satisfactory solution to your query.


Diana Torres,
Community Moderator

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Master Collaborator

Can you clarify which version of CM and CDP you are using? And the full exception you notice in Cloudera Manager logs/UI?

Are you able to access application log using command line?

yarn logs -applicationId <appid>


Yes. we can access application log using command line

version - 7.7.1

When we check the logs from UI, we can find full error msg as following.

"Logs are unavailable because Application Timeline Service seems unhealthy and could not connect to the JobHistory server."


Thank you!