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Metron Deployment failure
- Labels:
Apache Metron
Created 12-05-2017 12:08 PM
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I have deployed Apache Metron on a single node VM, I am facing 3-4 issues
1> I have to vagrant up always when I shutdown my VM
2>I lose my components heartbeat or components fail frequently (mainly storm, metron, hbase)
3> How do I add NiFi in this cluster
4.>Even when I restart some components, it asks me restart some other components
Created 12-06-2017 07:53 AM
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1 -> You can do vagrant halt
command (from the folder metron/metron-deployment/vagrant/full-dev-platform
) in order to gracefully power down the VM
2 -> Can you do vagrant ssh<code> into the full dev VM and check <code>/var/log/messages
to see if you are seeing any issues? I have seen these issues when the system resources are starved.
You can also try increasing the VM system resources by modifying the memory and cpu fields in metron/metron-deployment/vagrant/full-dev-platform/Vagrantfile
, under this section
hosts = [{ hostname: "node1", ip: "", memory: "8192", cpus: 4, promisc: 2 # enables promisc on the 'Nth' network interface }]
3 -> For adding NiFi, you can follow the below links to have NiFi running and configured, It is recommended to use a separate cluster, since the vagrant full dev Metron platform will not suffice. Check out more details on the following links: https://docs.hortonworks.com/HDPDocuments/HDF3/HDF-
You can also follow the HCP runbook here to know more: https://docs.hortonworks.com/HDPDocuments/HCP1/HCP-1.3.1/bk_runbook/content/install_nifi_runbook.htm...
4 -> This could be a problem of #2 above. Pls check the logs on the VM.
Created 12-06-2017 04:14 AM
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Need help!!
Created 12-06-2017 07:53 AM
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1 -> You can do vagrant halt
command (from the folder metron/metron-deployment/vagrant/full-dev-platform
) in order to gracefully power down the VM
2 -> Can you do vagrant ssh<code> into the full dev VM and check <code>/var/log/messages
to see if you are seeing any issues? I have seen these issues when the system resources are starved.
You can also try increasing the VM system resources by modifying the memory and cpu fields in metron/metron-deployment/vagrant/full-dev-platform/Vagrantfile
, under this section
hosts = [{ hostname: "node1", ip: "", memory: "8192", cpus: 4, promisc: 2 # enables promisc on the 'Nth' network interface }]
3 -> For adding NiFi, you can follow the below links to have NiFi running and configured, It is recommended to use a separate cluster, since the vagrant full dev Metron platform will not suffice. Check out more details on the following links: https://docs.hortonworks.com/HDPDocuments/HDF3/HDF-
You can also follow the HCP runbook here to know more: https://docs.hortonworks.com/HDPDocuments/HCP1/HCP-1.3.1/bk_runbook/content/install_nifi_runbook.htm...
4 -> This could be a problem of #2 above. Pls check the logs on the VM.
Created 12-06-2017 08:20 AM
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I am restarting the process, will upload the errors if I get stuck somewhere and also only my Metron component faces errors
Is there any host problem there or the service go up even if I dont configure any hosts
Created 12-06-2017 12:31 PM
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Metron Indexing fails to install, what might be the reason??
fatal: [node1]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "invocation": {"module_args": {"blueprint_name": "metron_blueprint", "blueprint_var": {"groups": [{"cardinality": 1, "components": [{"name": "NAMENODE"}, {"name": "SECONDARY_NAMENODE"}, {"name": "RESOURCEMANAGER"}, {"name": "HISTORYSERVER"}, {"name": "ZOOKEEPER_SERVER"}, {"name": "NIMBUS"}, {"name": "STORM_UI_SERVER"}, {"name": "DRPC_SERVER"}, {"name": "HBASE_MASTER"}, {"name": "HBASE_CLIENT"}, {"name": "APP_TIMELINE_SERVER"}, {"name": "DATANODE"}, {"name": "HDFS_CLIENT"}, {"name": "NODEMANAGER"}, {"name": "YARN_CLIENT"}, {"name": "MAPREDUCE2_CLIENT"}, {"name": "ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT"}, {"name": "SUPERVISOR"}, {"name": "KAFKA_BROKER"}, {"name": "HBASE_REGIONSERVER"}, {"name": "KIBANA_MASTER"}, {"name": "METRON_INDEXING"}, {"name": "METRON_PROFILER"}, {"name": "METRON_ENRICHMENT_MASTER"}, {"name": "METRON_PARSERS"}, {"name": "METRON_REST"}, {"name": "METRON_MANAGEMENT_UI"}, {"name": "METRON_ALERTS_UI"}, {"name": "ES_MASTER"}], "configurations": [], "name": "host_group_1"}], "required_configurations": [{"metron-env": {"es_hosts": "node1", "storm_rest_addr": "http://node1:8744", "zeppelin_server_url": "node1:9995"}}, {"metron-rest-env": {"metron_jdbc_driver": "org.h2.Driver", "metron_jdbc_password": "root", "metron_jdbc_platform": "h2", "metron_jdbc_url": "jdbc:h2:file:~/metrondb", "metron_jdbc_username": "root"}}, {"kibana-env": {"kibana_default_application": "dashboard/Metron-Dashboard", "kibana_es_url": "http://node1:9200", "kibana_log_dir": "/var/log/kibana", "kibana_pid_dir": "/var/run/kibana", "kibana_server_port": 5000}}], "stack_name": "HDP", "stack_version": "2.5"}, "cluster_name": "metron_cluster", "cluster_state": "present", "configurations": [{"zoo.cfg": {"dataDir": "/data1/hadoop/zookeeper"}}, {"hadoop-env": {"dtnode_heapsize": 512, "hadoop_heapsize": 1024, "namenode_heapsize": 2048, "namenode_opt_permsize": "128m"}}, {"hbase-env": {"hbase_master_heapsize": 512, "hbase_regionserver_heapsize": 512, "hbase_regionserver_xmn_max": 512}}, {"hdfs-site": {"dfs.datanode.data.dir": "/data1/hadoop/hdfs/data,/data2/hadoop/hdfs/data", "dfs.journalnode.edits.dir": "/data1/hadoop/hdfs/journalnode", "dfs.namenode.checkpoint.dir": "/data1/hadoop/hdfs/namesecondary", "dfs.namenode.name.dir": "/data1/hadoop/hdfs/namenode", "dfs.replication": 1}}, {"yarn-env": {"apptimelineserver_heapsize": 512, "nodemanager_heapsize": 512, "resourcemanager_heapsize": 1024, "yarn_heapsize": 512}}, {"mapred-env": {"jobhistory_heapsize": 256}}, {"mapred-site": {"mapreduce.jobhistory.recovery.store.leveldb.path": "/data1/hadoop/mapreduce/jhs", "mapreduce.map.java.opts": "-Xmx1024m", "mapreduce.map.memory.mb": 1229, "mapreduce.reduce.java.opts": "-Xmx1024m", "mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb": 1229}}, {"yarn-site": {"yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs": "/data1/hadoop/yarn/local", "yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs": "/data1/hadoop/yarn/log", "yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb": 4096, "yarn.timeline-service.leveldb-state-store.path": "/data1/hadoop/yarn/timeline", "yarn.timeline-service.leveldb-timeline-store.path": "/data1/hadoop/yarn/timeline"}}, {"storm-site": {"storm.local.dir": "/data1/hadoop/storm", "supervisor.slots.ports": "[6700, 6701, 6702, 6703, 6704]", "topology.classpath": "/etc/hbase/conf:/etc/hadoop/conf"}}, {"kafka-env": {"content": "\n#!/bin/bash\n\n# Set KAFKA specific environment variables here.\n\n# The java implementation to use.\nexport KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS=\"-Xms256M -Xmx256M\"\nexport KAFKA_JVM_PERFORMANCE_OPTS=\"-server -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+DisableExplicitGC -Djava.awt.headless=true\"\nexport JAVA_HOME={{java64_home}}\nexport PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin\nexport PID_DIR={{kafka_pid_dir}}\nexport LOG_DIR={{kafka_log_dir}}\nexport KAFKA_KERBEROS_PARAMS={{kafka_kerberos_params}}\n# Add kafka sink to classpath and related depenencies\nif [ -e \"/usr/lib/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink.jar\" ]; then\n export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/lib/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink.jar\n export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/usr/lib/ambari-metrics-kafka-sink/lib/*\nfi\nif [ -f /etc/kafka/conf/kafka-ranger-env.sh ]; then\n . /etc/kafka/conf/kafka-ranger-env.sh\nfi"}}, {"kafka-broker": {"delete.topic.enable": "true", "log.dirs": "/data1/kafka-log"}}, {"metron-rest-env": {"metron_spring_profiles_active": "dev"}}, {"metron-parsers-env": {"parsers": "bro,snort"}}, {"elastic-site": {"gateway_recover_after_data_nodes": 1, "index_number_of_replicas": 0, "index_number_of_shards": 1, "masters_also_are_datanodes": "1", "network_host": "[ _local_, _eth1_ ]", "zen_discovery_ping_unicast_hosts": "[ node1 ]"}}], "host": "node1", "password": "admin", "port": 8080, "username": "admin", "wait_for_complete": true}, "module_name": "ambari_cluster_state"}, "msg": "Request failed with status FAILED"} PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* node1 : ok=55 changed=32 unreachable=0 failed=1 Ansible failed to complete successfully. Any error output should be visible above. Please fix these errors and try again.
Created on 12-08-2017 10:23 AM - edited 08-17-2019 08:04 PM
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When I do vagrant up , I get this error, from were do I download the Apache-metron folder ?? @asubramanian
Created on 12-12-2017 11:14 AM - edited 08-17-2019 08:04 PM
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All the components get failed when I run mvn clean install from the top directory, what can be the error??