Created 07-25-2017 01:54 PM
Hi folks,
After one week of hard work trying to figure out why my agents couldnt contact with my ambari-server, I finally decided to reinstall the server at another host and see if the communication works fine.
Now agents can communicate and send heartbeats properly to the server,( i have seen it on the install host stage of ambari-server installation) but I want to keep all the old configuration (services, masters, slaves..) will ambari-server detect the current confguration? will I have to set it up again service by service? I have done a backup in the old ambari-server, but I think that with that somehow I will load the issues regarding communication between hosts..
Created 07-25-2017 02:10 PM
Moving ambari server involves 4 steps:
1). Stop the old ambari host and then install ambari server to new host.
2). Make the "/etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini" file change on all the agent hosts to point to new ambari server hostname.
3). Run the ambari-server setup command and then point to the Database instance where your amabri DB is present in the "Advance Database configuration Section". (If using postgres then choose option4 Postgres DB , not the Embedded Postgres DB).
OR if you want to move the ambari DB as well to a new host then import the DB dump backup to your new DB host and then during the ambari-server setup command choose new host details.
4). Restart Ambari server and all the ambari agents.
Following link provides more details:
Created 07-25-2017 02:10 PM
Moving ambari server involves 4 steps:
1). Stop the old ambari host and then install ambari server to new host.
2). Make the "/etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini" file change on all the agent hosts to point to new ambari server hostname.
3). Run the ambari-server setup command and then point to the Database instance where your amabri DB is present in the "Advance Database configuration Section". (If using postgres then choose option4 Postgres DB , not the Embedded Postgres DB).
OR if you want to move the ambari DB as well to a new host then import the DB dump backup to your new DB host and then during the ambari-server setup command choose new host details.
4). Restart Ambari server and all the ambari agents.
Following link provides more details:
Created 07-27-2017 08:33 AM
Thank you for your help, it helped me. I finally moved the server and loaded the backup without no problem
Created 07-27-2017 08:40 AM