Created 02-16-2017 03:41 PM
hi all,
I see that listHDFS processor has Directory parameter support Expression Language
So do you know how set mutli-directories for one processor listHDFS ?
Directory : /tmp/{toto|truc}
Created 02-16-2017 03:45 PM
If you set it to /tmp and set Recurse Sub Directories to true, then it will list both.
Created 02-16-2017 03:50 PM
@Bryan : i know for Recurse value, but my dataflow will delete only files in /tmp/toto and /tmp/truc but not in /tmp/Keep and /tmp/News so I can't set only /tmp
Created 02-16-2017 04:02 PM
Setting /tmp will cause listHDFS to produce a listing of files in all 4 of your directories. Following that listing, use a routeOnAttrinute processor to auto-terminate andy listing that were not from /tmp/toto or /tmp/truc before feeding what FlowFiles are left down the rest of your dataflow.
Created 02-17-2017 08:47 AM
@Matt: thanks.
Created 03-17-2017 08:54 AM
Hi again,
In my directory /user/prod/ i got thousand files.
How it is possible to configure listHDFS to list only some directories like /user/prod/201703*
So list only all directory 2017 of March ?
Created 03-17-2017 02:06 PM
What's the best ways to remove old files in the list of directories?
Need i generate one listHDFS processor by same subpath ?
/horton/catalogue_od/lighter/YYYYMMDD /horton/google/catalogue/YYYYMMDD /horton/google/channel/lighter/YYYYMMDD /horton/google/lighter/YYYYMMDD /horton/mad/lighter/YYYYMMDD /horton/optinoptout/YYYYMMDD /horton/mdr/YYYY/WW /horton/macbymac/YYYYMMDD /horton/purchase/YYYY/WW /horton/paris/filtered/YYYY/WW /horton/paris/finaltastebox/YYYY/WW /horton/paris/genetic/YYYY/WW /horton/paris/similarpattern/YYYY/WW /horton/paris/substithortonpattern/YYYY/WW /horton/paris/tastebox/YYYY/WW /horton/paris/uniqtastebox/YYYY/WW /horton/scoring/exlibris/input/bestchannels/YYYYMMDD /horton/scoring/exlibris/input/full/YYYYMMDD /horton/scoring/exlibris/output/YYYYMMDD /horton/scoring/input/YYYY/WW /horton/scoring/output/YYYYMMDD /horton/statistic/customer/YYYY/WW /horton/stb/lighter/YYYYMMDD /horton/tvep/YYYYMMDD /horton/vod/YYYYMMDD /shared/generated/adobe/YYYYMMDD /shared/generated/comscore/YYYYMMDD /shared/generated/google/YYYYMMDD /shared/generated/amazon/logs/YYYYMMDD /shared/generated/amazon/tvep/YYYYMMDD /shared/generated/amazonstats/YYYYMMDD /shared/generated/star/YYYYMMDD /celluleScores/YYYY/WW /jedi/optinoptout/YYYYMMDD /jedi/profil/YYYYMMDD
Created 03-17-2017 02:29 PM
In the latest code in master, there is an improvement to ListHDFS to add a new property:
public static final PropertyDescriptor FILE_FILTER = new PropertyDescriptor.Builder() .name("File Filter") .description("Only files whose names match the given regular expression will be picked up") .required(true) .defaultValue("[^\\.].*") .addValidator(StandardValidators.REGULAR_EXPRESSION_VALIDATOR).build();
Does this help?
Created 03-17-2017 02:33 PM
@Bryan, it comes with next version of NIFI ?
Created 03-17-2017 02:35 PM
Yes its in the latest code that hasn't been released yet, so it would be in the next version which will likely be Apache NiFi 1.2.