Created 07-13-2021 12:53 AM
I am using Nifi with Local setup . I am using 'consumeKafka' Processor
In configuration I am specifying
Kafka broker : Client_specified_broker ,
Security Protocol : SASL_SSL ,
SASL Mechanism : Plain ,
Username : SSL username ,
Password : SSL password ,
SSL Context Service : StandardSSLContextService ,
Topic : Topic From which data is consumed ,
Group_id : test
I dont see any keystore or truststore credentials with Confluent Kafka broker I am using . How to configure ConsumeKafka Processor and also please let me know if there are any setting to be done with Nifi so that it could read messages from SSL encrypted Kafka broker
Created 07-13-2021 06:52 AM
Hi Deepika,
I assume that you are using ConsumeKafka OR ConsumeKafka2.0 version NiFi processor ,when you select option in SSL Context Service as StandardSSLContextService then you have to select right arrow as indicated below image .
Properties of StandardSSLContextService will be prompted to you and you can enter the values of the properties Keystore Filename,Keystore Password,Key Password,Truststore Filename,Truststore Type. etc.
After providing the values of the SSL properties , enable the Controller Service and start running the ConsumeKafka processor.
ConsumeKafka2.0 processor properties
Please update if above steps expected and works.
Created 04-05-2022 12:44 AM
Even this is old thread updating .
java-home/bin/keytool -genkey -alias server-alias -keyalg RSA -keypass changeit -storepass changeit -keystore keystore.jks
java-home/bin/keytool -export -alias server-alias -storepass changeit -file server.cer -keystore keystore.jks
This need to be configured on NiFI instance.