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NiFi - Bulletins


Is there a way to access NiFi Bulletins using NiFi Rest API ? Is there any documentation available on this ? My goal is to capture NiFi Bulletins using Rest API so I can take some kind of notification action rather than just displaying it in UI.


Rising Star

The bulletins are available through the Rest Api. They are accessed primarily through two different endpoints.


Return controller level status. This will include status and bulletins for cluster/node issues, reporting tasks, and controller services.


Return process group specific status. This will include status and bulletins for all components in the specified process group. This endpoint supports a recursive flag to indicate whether status for all descendent components is included.

View solution in original post


Rising Star

May I know which NiFi processor should we use here? and In which fields we need to add these endpoints. Please share an example template if you have.


Rising Star

The documentation for a given release can be accessed directly from within the application. Navigate to your NiFi UI and click the 'help' link in the upper right hand corner. Scroll to the bottom of the pane on the left hand side and click 'Rest Api'.