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NiFi - How to send parameter to downstream processor

New Contributor


Im using NiFi executestreamcommand processor to make some date parameters.

But Im not sure how to send these params to downstream processor, use this ways.

1. make json file and write date parameters. (in executestreamcommand processor by run java jar file)

2. downstream processor(in executestreamcommand processor by run java jar file) read this file

To sum up,

i use NiFi executestreamcommand processor to send paramters make file and read file.

is there any way to send params directly using executestreamcommand processor?


Master Guru

@Shawn Park

You can use AttributesToJson processor.

Then pass the flowfile to downstream processor and read the flowfile using ExecuteStreamCommand processor.


Use UpdateAttribute processor and use NiFi expression language to add attributes to the flowfile.

then pass the flowfile to downstream processor and use attributes of the flowfile.