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NiFi InvokeHTTP Problem

New Contributor

I need to configure NiFi to download files from a https site. The problem is I have to log into another site to be able to download from the site that hosts the files. E.g., I have to log into site A to be able to download files from site B. Any help is appreciated.


Expert Contributor

@scoe74  If it is just token you have to take from SiteA and then using that token you can download data from SiteB then you can use 1st InvokeHTTP to take the token, add the token as flowfile attribute and then using that token you can use 2nd InvokeHTTP to download the data.


Hope it helps you.


New Contributor

@ashinde What would I use to get the token passed to the next InvokeHTTP processor? Is the token just an attribute from the first InvokeHTTP processor?