Created on 08-29-2018 10:15 AM - edited 08-17-2019 06:08 PM
Hi all, I tried to integrate secured NiFi with secured Ranger for Authorization Management in HDF-
Refer to the article:
After all steps are complete, I run the connection test on Ranger NiFi service and get 403 status code.
It seems authentication success but authorization fail, but I cant figure out the problem in a long time.
(CN=ranger, OU=NiFi is the DN of Ranger's certificate)
(CN=ambari03.xxxx.xxxx, OU=NiFi is the DN of NiFi node's certificate)
(Both DN of Ranger and NiFi nodes user manually created in Ranger admin UI as internal)
Why NiFi cant sync policies from Ranger(message in nifi-app.log).
2018-08-30 09:18:28,095 WARN [Thread-22] o.a.r.admin.client.RangerAdminRESTClient Error getting policies. secureMode=false, user=nifi (auth:SIMPLE), response={"httpStatusCode":400,"statusCode":0}, serviceName=hdf_nifi
2018-08-30 09:18:28,095 WARN [Thread-22] o.a.ranger.plugin.util.PolicyRefresher cache file does not exist or not readable '/etc/ranger/hdf_nifi/policycache/hdf_nifi_hdf_nifi.json'
Here is my config and some log files.
The following are the information of configuration:
#3 nodes cluster
#Kerberos security is disabled
#install on node1~3
#SSL enabled with certificates manually installed
#Authenticate by AD using SIMPLE connection
#install on node1(Admin & Usersync)
#SSL enabled
#Authenticate by AD
#Sync User from AD
Thanks for your help.
Created 08-29-2018 12:32 PM
I dont think this will be an official answer, but a few things that come to mind:
1. need to make sure the policies are created for at least the normal admin user, then policies for AD users, start with a small test case ( a single user or group) and go forward until all policies satisify all needs
2. in my setups, i was missing a checkbox in nifi config area that turned on the ranger plugin (separate from the ranger config toggle)
3. make sure to restart everything after making adjustment
Created 08-30-2018 05:46 AM
Thanks for reply.
But It looks like the sync policies failed.
2018-08-30 09:18:28,095 WARN [Thread-22] o.a.r.admin.client.RangerAdminRESTClient Error getting policies. secureMode=false, user=nifi (auth:SIMPLE), response={"httpStatusCode":400,"statusCode":0}, serviceName=hdf_nifi 2018-08-30 09:18:28,095
Created 08-30-2018 11:23 AM
@Tony Cheng In my setup I had to edit configuration file to set 3 values to debug for logging to show full details
In order to see full output for Ranger User Sync it is necessary to modify Log4j XML:
sudo nano /usr/hdp/current/ranger-admin/ews/webapp/WEB-INF/log4j.xml
**NOTE: Edit 3 log entries at bottom of the file from "info" to "debug". Be sure to change them back when done debugging.
Restart All for Ranger and then you can tail these 2 files:
sudo tail -f /var/log/ranger/admin/xa_portal.log
sudo tail -f /var/log/ranger/usersync/usersync.log
Created 09-05-2018 03:36 AM
Thanks for replay.
I will config and tail the log.
Created 08-30-2018 01:09 PM
The error:
unable to get client certificate at
In the xa-portal.log means truststore has not been properly configured for ranger admin. I suggest you review the following video where I cover this configuration in detail:
Also there is a good hc article that covers this configuration for nifi:
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Created on 09-05-2018 10:47 AM - edited 08-17-2019 06:07 PM
@felix Albani
Thanks for the viedo.
Sorry to reply after such a long time period.
I have watched and check, but still dont know what I miss config.
Before reinstall HDF and config again, there are some questions I would like to ask.
In the nifi-app.log:
2018-09-05 17:54:07,793 WARN [Thread-22] o.a.r.admin.client.RangerAdminRESTClient Error getting policies. secureMode=false, user=nifi (auth:SIMPLE), response={"httpStatusCode":400,"statusCode":0}, serviceName=hdf_nifi
Do I need to resolve the WARN message in nifi-app.log.
[Error getting policies. secureMode=false, user=nifi (auth:SIMPLE) user=nifi]
Both NiFi and Ranger had been enabled in SSL mode.
But getting policies does not seems run in secure mode.
I have three NiFi ranger plugin certificate with DN [, OU=NiFi、, OU=NiFi、, OU=NiFi]
A nifi user is manually created in Ranger admin UI as internal.
The following images are my Ranger/Ambari screen shot and question
1.Do the nifi user need to create certificate too?
2.Is the nifi user a OS user in NiFi host or also a NiFi application user?
#nifi user in Ranger admin
Thanks for your help.