Created 10-03-2017 02:56 PM
NIFI run out of disk, when I try to restart NiFi, I got the following error in nifi-app.log:
ERROR [main] org.wali.MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog org.wali.MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog@2f6b3859 unexpectedly reached End-of-File when reading from Partition-88 for Transaction ID 175735849; assuming crash and ignoring this transaction
I found this article on the similar issue,
This article suggest to delete flowfile_repository to restore it.
Do we have more smooth solution, which do not need to delete flowfile_repository and content_repository?
Created 10-03-2017 03:08 PM
The above error indicates that the flow file repository has become corrupted. Once this happens, you unfortunately have to clear the repositories and start over. Ideally, you can prevent this from happening by using backpressure.
Created 10-03-2017 03:08 PM
The above error indicates that the flow file repository has become corrupted. Once this happens, you unfortunately have to clear the repositories and start over. Ideally, you can prevent this from happening by using backpressure.
Created 10-03-2017 03:21 PM
Thank you @Wynner