Created 12-02-2020 11:41 PM
I have to store data coming in from Kafka queue into a hive table.
However, some values are null. Eg:
When I pass this json through the ConvertJSONToSQL processor, I get sql.args.n.type for all 5 keys but sql..args.n.value for only 4 of them. The null value is not turned into sql.args.5.value.
For this, I manually need to add the missing attributes to the file.
The problem is that I have a total of 57 columns in the table and any of those values could be null.
I am using the UpdateAttribute processor to check whether a given attribute is null or not, if yes, then i want to add that attribute having null value.
How do I check whther hiveql.args.<>.value is null and then update all in one shot?
Any way to write a generic expression to check all such attribute values?
Thanks in advance!
@mburgess @MattWho @stevenmatison @gazzer82 @TimothySpann @sunile_manjee
Created 12-02-2020 11:48 PM
How to loop over attribute values: (achieve something like this)
for(int i-0;i<n;i++) {
if(${hiveql.args.i.value:isnull()) {
//do something
Created 12-03-2020 12:26 PM
Use PutHive3Streaming instead from Kafka
or PutORC
Created 12-03-2020 12:27 PM
switch to records, never use convertjsontosql
Created 12-04-2020 04:30 AM
Hi @TimothySpann,
Thank you so much for your reply!
I tried using the PutHiveStreaming processor but i'm getting this error:
Failed connecting to EndPoint {metaStoreUri='thrift://localhost:9083', database='default', table='student_record', partitionVals=[] }
My Hive version is 2.3.7
Is it true that NiFi does not contain any processors that support Hive version 2.x?
Is there any workaround?