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Nifi Restarts continuously after the upgrade of AKS Cluster to 1.29.4

New Contributor

Hi Team

We recently upgraded our AKS cluster from 1.28.5 to 1.29.4 . The apache nifi - version 1.16.3 was already installed in it and running successfully.  After the upgrade to 1.29.4 , one of the Pod - Nifi was continuously restarting and goes to Crashloopbackoff. When we investigate, the server container keeps restarting and there were no logs showing any error as it is changing status to Running and then to Not ready  very quickly and pod reports Crashloopbackoff. We are also unable to login inside the pod due to this. At times when the status is running , it is allowing to connect for few seconds and we noticed that the KeyStore.jks and truststore,jks from certmanager is not present within tls folder. 

We are not sure what is the cause of the continuous restart of the server container after upgrade of aks cluster to 1.29.4



when we compared the logs of the nifi-0 and nifi-1 pod, the nifi -0 pod showing below log and running successfully. Whereas nifi-1 and nifi-2 do not have these logs.

/opt/nifi/nifi-current/tls/truststore.jks is not readable! Waiting for cert-manager sidecar to populate it.


Could you please help share some inputs to resolve this issue ?

Best Regards

Dhinesh Kumar Ganeshan





Community Manager

@GDK Welcome to the Cloudera Community!

To help you get the best possible solution, I have tagged our NiFi expert @steven-matison  who may be able to assist you further.

Please keep us updated on your post, and we hope you find a satisfactory solution to your query.


Diana Torres,
Community Moderator

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New Contributor

 @steven-matison ,  Requesting you to let us know if you have any suggestion on this issue.


Community Manager

@MattWho @SAMSAL Hi! Do you have any insights here? Thanks!


Diana Torres,
Community Moderator

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