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Nifi autherization using Ldap


Hi team ,

In our environment we are using Nifi 1.2.0 in HDF 3. We used Ambari for installation and configuration . We are not installed Nifi CA Certificate authority . We integrated Nifi with AD .

In this scenario how can we create a Initial Admin Identity . Due to this we are not able to login to Nifi UI




Master Guru

You can set the Initial Admin identity to the identity of one of your LDAP users.

The value will be dependent on how you have configured NiFi's LDAP login-identity-provider.

<property name="Identity Strategy">USE_DN</property>

If Identity Strategy is USE_DN, then the Initial Admin value should be the full DN from LDAP.

If Identity Strategy is USE_USERNAME, then the Initial Admin value should be just the username.

You may also need to shutdown NiFi, and manually remove /var/lib/nifi/conf/users.xml and /var/lib/nifi/conf/authorizations.xml from each node, because NiFi only makes use of the Initial Admin when there are no other users/groups/policies defined.

View solution in original post


Master Guru

You can set the Initial Admin identity to the identity of one of your LDAP users.

The value will be dependent on how you have configured NiFi's LDAP login-identity-provider.

<property name="Identity Strategy">USE_DN</property>

If Identity Strategy is USE_DN, then the Initial Admin value should be the full DN from LDAP.

If Identity Strategy is USE_USERNAME, then the Initial Admin value should be just the username.

You may also need to shutdown NiFi, and manually remove /var/lib/nifi/conf/users.xml and /var/lib/nifi/conf/authorizations.xml from each node, because NiFi only makes use of the Initial Admin when there are no other users/groups/policies defined.


Hi Bryan ,

Thanks a lot for your help . It worked perfectly .