Hi All,
I am trying to convert input JSON to Output JSON using Jolt Transformation . My flow," AttributestoJSON" gives some count of flow files and after that i am using "Mergecontent" to merge the flowflies into single flowfile JSON .The single flowfile json passed to jolt transformation.
Input flow file JSON
{"filename":"test1.csv","message":"HiveSQL query executed Sucessfull!","status":"Success"}
{"filename":"test2.csv","message":"HiveSQL query executed Sucessfull!","status":"Success"}
{"filename":"test3.csv","message":"HiveSQL query executed Sucessfull!","status":"Success"}
Output JSON should be :
"filename": "${main_file}",
"ex_status": "${Overall_status}",
"error": "${final_message}",
"fl_status": [
"file_name": "test1.csv.",
"status": "Success",
"message": "HiveSQL query executed Sucessfull!"
"file_name": "test2.csv",
"status": "Success",
"message": "HiveSQL query executed Sucessfull!"
"file_name": "test3.csv",
"status": "failed",
"message": "HiveSQL query executed Sucessfull!"
Here main_file,Overall_status and final_message values , i am getting as flowfile attributes and will include the vaues for that from the attributes . I am exploring JSON specification and did not get the desigred result yet . Please help with Jolt specification for above output JSON .