Created 03-08-2021 02:58 AM
Hi @Nifi !
I created a flow in local nifi, now i ve to do the deployment in virtual machine azure.
I use docker compose to do that and it works but the ListFile processor to ingest the file doesn't accept the directory path of virtual machine.
I insert the path that i find from virtual machine terminal (with the command pwd) but doesn't work.
How can i ingest the file that i ve load on virtual machine?
Created 03-08-2021 07:54 AM
Thank you for your response.
ListFile will read from local file system directory but in this case if local file system directory is on VM host on which docker container is running then very 1st setup would be to make that local file mount/dir to accessible by docker container as storage mount/dir using bind mount for read/write.
Created 03-08-2021 03:38 AM
Can we confirm if directory which used for ListFile: Input Directory property is mounted to docker container which is running NiFi application ? ref :
Created 03-08-2021 07:47 AM
No.. it's on virtual machine and not included into dockerfile of docker-compose.yml
Created 03-08-2021 07:54 AM
Thank you for your response.
ListFile will read from local file system directory but in this case if local file system directory is on VM host on which docker container is running then very 1st setup would be to make that local file mount/dir to accessible by docker container as storage mount/dir using bind mount for read/write.
Created 03-08-2021 10:10 AM
yes it's quite right! i add a volumes on docker compose that connect directory on VM to docker-compose.
Thank you so much!