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Nifi registry architecture.




I have just started on a project, where we want to set up a landscape of nifi instanses, connected to nifi registry. And we are planning on making a dev. environment a test and a prod.

The question started, when we made versioned nifi flows with versioned nifi flows inside, for code reuse and easier maintenance. But that cannot be moved easily between nifi registry instanses?


Do we connect all of the nifi instanses to one registry or what is the best practice? Or what are we doing wrong?



Hi @Poul 

For gaining a better understanding of the issues surrounding this architectural question, I would begin by watching the recording of the "Demo Jam" from January before last during which Pierre Villard, Sr. Product Manager for NiFi at Cloudera, touched on Cloudera's recommendations in this area.

You can also read his much earlier blog post:
Automate workflow deployment in Apache NiFi with the NiFi Registry
…to gain a bit more background.



Bill Brooks, Community Moderator
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Hi @Poul 

For gaining a better understanding of the issues surrounding this architectural question, I would begin by watching the recording of the "Demo Jam" from January before last during which Pierre Villard, Sr. Product Manager for NiFi at Cloudera, touched on Cloudera's recommendations in this area.

You can also read his much earlier blog post:
Automate workflow deployment in Apache NiFi with the NiFi Registry
…to gain a bit more background.



Bill Brooks, Community Moderator
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And thanks for your input, the blog post was exact what I where looking for. What I am facing is this part here, e.g. when moving flow between environments, the links to nested flowfiles needs to be updated manually / does not work. Think we will go for solution 1 for now and revert when there is an update.

  1. Support for embedded versioned process groups is not fully ready yet when you have multiple Registry instances and you need to export/import things between the instances. You can check the status on NIFI-5029.