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Nifi sequence

New Contributor

I'm using nifi 1.13.2 in 4 nodes cluster. My flow tries to consumes record from Kafka then map some data and send them to AMQ. I need to keep the order of retrieved records and send them in the same order.

I tried set execution on primary node only for every processor in group. I also set up max.pool.records (ConsumeKafka) and Concurrent tasks to 1. Next i set 1 sec run shedule and it doesn't work. Records are consumed with 10ms delay, not a 1 sec and the sequence is not conserved.

Thanks in advance.


New Contributor

I think you should also add number of nodes in your kafka and the partitions for the topic, for a better response.

New Contributor

3 kafka nodes, 2 partitions for the topic