Created on 08-17-2017 03:28 AM - edited 09-16-2022 05:06 AM
Hello ,
I am using CDH 5.12 on RHEL 6.7
I've tried to using beeline connect jdbc:hive(hiveserver1) ,but beeline has problems follow the message below.
beeline> !connect jdbc:hive://localhost:10000/
scan complete in 2ms
17/08/17 06:15:27 [main]: ERROR beeline.ClassNameCompleter: Fail to parse the class name from the Jar file due to the minlog-1.2.jar (No such file or directory)
17/08/17 06:15:27 [main]: ERROR beeline.ClassNameCompleter: Fail to parse the class name from the Jar file due to the objenesis-1.2.jar (No such file or directory)
17/08/17 06:15:27 [main]: ERROR beeline.ClassNameCompleter: Fail to parse the class name from the Jar file due to the reflectasm-1.07-shaded.jar (No such file or directory)
17/08/17 06:15:27 [main]: ERROR beeline.ClassNameCompleter: Fail to parse the class name from the Jar file due to the minlog-1.2.jar (No such file or directory)
17/08/17 06:15:27 [main]: ERROR beeline.ClassNameCompleter: Fail to parse the class name from the Jar file due to the objenesis-1.2.jar (No such file or directory)
17/08/17 06:15:27 [main]: ERROR beeline.ClassNameCompleter: Fail to parse the class name from the Jar file due to the reflectasm-1.07-shaded.jar (No such file or directory)
scan complete in 1318ms
No known driver to handle "jdbc:hive://localhost:10000/"
Please tell me, How to solve problem.
Kind Regards
Created 08-17-2017 08:54 PM
if you have configured mysql , oracle database for hive metastore then check if you had placed the appropriate jdbc jar file inside
if you didnt see any jdbc jar file please make sure you have that inside the above location
also make sure you have the class entry in the hive-site.xml in the below property
let me know if that helps
Created 09-30-2018 01:44 AM
You are using wrong connection string.
Use: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000/