Created 05-01-2016 08:43 AM
I have just downloaded the HDP sandbox for VirtualBox (HDP_2.4_virtualbox_v3.ova). It's been a while since the last time I used Ambari, and the UI is a bit different. However after looking for it for a while I'm not able to find the service actions button for any service, for example YARN. Maybe this is a regression from the bug I have an actions button but it only shows a browse widgets links. Is this happening to someone else? Can somebody help me with this?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Created 05-01-2016 10:36 AM
Hi @Juan Rodriguez Hortala, in the latest Sandbox the default user is called maria_dev and it's a read-only user. To enable the admin user, ssh into your instance and run "ambari-admin-password-reset". You can also check these and other related instructions (how to access Ranger, Atlas etc) from the Sandbox startup page located at http://localhost:8888
Created 05-01-2016 10:36 AM
Hi @Juan Rodriguez Hortala, in the latest Sandbox the default user is called maria_dev and it's a read-only user. To enable the admin user, ssh into your instance and run "ambari-admin-password-reset". You can also check these and other related instructions (how to access Ranger, Atlas etc) from the Sandbox startup page located at http://localhost:8888
Created 05-01-2016 07:08 PM
Thanks a lot for your help, all I had to do was selecting "view advanced options" in http://localhost:8888, and all the information was there as you said
Created 05-01-2016 07:08 PM
Thanks a lot for your help, all I had to do was selecting "view advanced options" in http://localhost:8888, and all the information was there as you said
Created 05-02-2016 02:27 PM
Hi Juan, can you consider accepting my answer if you found it useful. Tnx!