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Not able to load NIFI process

New Contributor

I am trying to load a process template in NIFI but it gives below error: org.apache.nifi.processors.kafka.pubsub.ConsumeKafka_0_10.
Below is the log from nifi-app.log file:

2021-07-26 17:51:01,017 INFO [pool-10-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Initiating checkpoint of FlowFile Repository
2021-07-26 17:51:01,017 INFO [pool-10-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Successfully checkpointed FlowFile Repository with 0 records in 0 milliseconds
2021-07-26 17:51:01,379 INFO [Write-Ahead Local State Provider Maintenance] org.wali.MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog org.wali.MinimalLockingWriteAheadLog@4a6d6308 checkpointed with 0 Records and 0 Swap Files in 86 milliseconds (Stop-the-world time = 39 milliseconds, Clear Edit Logs time = 33 millis), max Transaction ID -1
2021-07-26 17:51:02,179 INFO [Cleanup Archive for default] o.a.n.c.repository.FileSystemRepository Successfully deleted 0 files (0 bytes) from archive
2021-07-26 17:51:21,019 INFO [pool-10-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Initiating checkpoint of FlowFile Repository
2021-07-26 17:51:21,020 INFO [pool-10-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Successfully checkpointed FlowFile Repository with 0 records in 0 milliseconds
2021-07-26 17:51:41,021 INFO [pool-10-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Initiating checkpoint of FlowFile Repository
2021-07-26 17:51:41,022 INFO [pool-10-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Successfully checkpointed FlowFile Repository with 0 records in 0 milliseconds
2021-07-26 17:52:01,023 INFO [pool-10-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Initiating checkpoint of FlowFile Repository
2021-07-26 17:52:01,023 INFO [pool-10-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Successfully checkpointed FlowFile Repository with 0 records in 0 milliseconds
2021-07-26 17:52:02,287 INFO [Cleanup Archive for default] o.a.n.c.repository.FileSystemRepository Successfully deleted 0 files (0 bytes) from archive
2021-07-26 17:52:21,026 INFO [pool-10-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Initiating checkpoint of FlowFile Repository
2021-07-26 17:52:21,027 INFO [pool-10-thread-1] o.a.n.c.r.WriteAheadFlowFileRepository Successfully checkpointed FlowFile Repository with 0 records in 0 milliseconds


I also increased the memory from 512m to 4G in the bootstrap.config file by updating 


Could anyone please help me resolve this. Thanks in advance!


Master Mentor


What ERROR?  All I see are a bunch of normal INFO log lines form the nifi-app.log snippet you shared.

Please share the ERROR log line and stack trace if present.  
Or share screenshots of what you are doing and observing.

Thank you,