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Only update Hive 3.1.0 to 3.1.2 on HDP 3.1.4 stack



Is it possible to update only the Hive component of HDP 3.1.4 stack without upgrading the whole stack ?

By default Hive is on 3.1.0 version on the stack, and I would like to upgrade it to 3.1.2 version (last minor stable version).

Any advice about this operation ?

Thank you for your help 🙂



Up, anyone please ? 🙂


Hello @unkedeuxke ,


thank you for your enquiry about upgrading Hive 3.1.0 to 3.1.2 on HDP 3.1.4 without upgrading other components.


I would personally re-phrase the question:

- why is it only supported to upgrade the entire HDP stack instead of the services individually?


HDP is a distribution of various components bundled into a product. These components are tested against each other, so the distribution works reliably. Should you upgrade a single component only, you lose these guarantees that your HDP distribution will work. For instance think about API changes, new features or bugs being introduced. 


In short: you might able to upgrade a specific component however, it is not recommended because it might break things.


Hope this helps!


Best regards:


Ferenc Erdelyi, Technical Solutions Manager

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Hello @Bender ,

Thank you for your answer that is very clear.

Even HDP last version, which is 3.1.5, uses Hive 3.1.0 (not 3.1.2).

And Hive 3.1.2 should be a minor release to fix bugs from 3.1.0 version.

If I really want to "force" upgrade from 3.1.0 to 3.1.2, do you have any advice to proceed ? or any upgrade procedure ?

Thank you