Created 11-13-2018 06:32 PM
I have shell script like below
ssh -q -v -i id_rsa -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" user@remotemachine script > file
hdfs dfs -put -f file hdfspath
When I run this script in oozie shell action with "", file is copied from remote machine to my machine. Actually its more than 2kb file. But when i move it to hdfs using (hdfs dfs -put) command Its thrwing below error
Failing Oozie Launcher, Main class [org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.ShellMain], exception invoking main(), Output data exceeds its limit [2048] org.apache.oozie.action.hadoop.LauncherException: Output data exceeds its limit [2048]
Created 11-26-2018 09:51 AM
Hi Selva prabhu,
Would you increase the value for the below property and try again?
oozie-default.xml <property> <name></name> <value>XXXX</value> </property>
1. Navigate to Ambari > Services > Oozie > Configs tab. 2. Expand the Custom oozie-site section. 3. Click the Add Property link. 4. For Key, enter the following: 5. For Value, enter the new number of bytes accordingly(Currently the results are exceeding 2048B, try doubling the value) 6. Save configuration. 7. Restart all required components.
Hope it helps. Thanks
Created 11-26-2018 09:51 AM
Hi Selva prabhu,
Would you increase the value for the below property and try again?
oozie-default.xml <property> <name></name> <value>XXXX</value> </property>
1. Navigate to Ambari > Services > Oozie > Configs tab. 2. Expand the Custom oozie-site section. 3. Click the Add Property link. 4. For Key, enter the following: 5. For Value, enter the new number of bytes accordingly(Currently the results are exceeding 2048B, try doubling the value) 6. Save configuration. 7. Restart all required components.
Hope it helps. Thanks
Created 11-27-2018 07:38 AM
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Created 11-26-2018 06:20 PM