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Oozie server not starting in HDP 3.1.4


I am facing issue with Oozie server after restarting HDP stack.
Oozie server service starts and stops after a minute or 2.
I tried to follow the solutions provided to similar issue but not helping.


Following is the output in oozie-error.log file.




2021-06-06 15:14:41,087  WARN ConfigurationService:523 - SERVER[] Invalid configuration defined, [oozie.authentication.jwt.cookie]
2021-06-06 15:14:41,087  WARN ConfigurationService:523 - SERVER[] Invalid configuration defined, []
2021-06-06 15:14:41,087  WARN ConfigurationService:523 - SERVER[] Invalid configuration defined, [credentialStoreClassPath]
2021-06-06 15:14:41,091  WARN Services:523 - SERVER[] System ID [oozie-oozi] exceeds maximum length [10], trimming
2021-06-06 15:14:41,208  WARN ConfigUtils:523 - SERVER[] Using a deprecated configuration property [], should use [oozie.service.AuthorizationService.authorization.enabled].  Please delete the deprecated property in order for the new property to take effect.
2021-06-06 15:14:44,475  WARN SparkConfigurationService:523 - SERVER[] Deprecated property found in configuration: oozie.service.SparkConfigurationService.spark.configurations.ignore.spark.yarn.jarUse oozie.service.SparkConfigurationService.spark.configurations.blacklist instead.
2021-06-06 15:14:44,475  WARN SparkConfigurationService:523 - SERVER[] Spark Configuration could not be loaded for *: /usr/hdp/current/spark-client/conf does not exist






If I edit oozie-site.xml & check path for following value  /etc/oozie/conf/oozie-site.xml/oozie.service.SparkConfigurationService.spark.configurations , it is = /usr/hdp/current/spark-client/conf


Actual path I see on my master server =  /usr/hdp/current/spark2-client/conf



If I try to edit and modify the path & restart the service, old value is getting replaced.
As we see in the list, soft links for spark are in black colour as they don't exist.


