Created 12-17-2015 10:43 AM
I am trying to create an external orc table, i am not aware of columns list, I am trying to create a orc table with Serde and gave the orc file location.
I am a new beginner and trying to create a ORC table. Hear is the table below,
create external table orcsample1 row format serde '' stored as inputformat '' outputformat '' location'file:///test/Files/orcfiles/hvac.orc' TBLPROPERTIES("orc.compress"="SNAPPY");
Created 12-17-2015 05:55 PM
ORC doesn't support that at this time. You can use the ORC file dump utility to find the schema (hive --service orcfiledump _filename_) and then use that when you create the table.
Created 12-17-2015 05:55 PM
ORC doesn't support that at this time. You can use the ORC file dump utility to find the schema (hive --service orcfiledump _filename_) and then use that when you create the table.
Created 12-18-2015 06:19 PM
Actually, it is Hive that doesn't support it. ORC files are self-describing, so if you read the file programmatically, the reader provides the schema. Unfortunately, Hive's serdes are asked for the schema without being given the file path.