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Out of Memory Heap Error When Processing Bulk File (1.26.0)

New Contributor

Hello Team,

I am Sachin Duggal , and I am the owner of a bags manufacturing business. I am encountering an “Out of memory heap” error while processing a large text file (26k+ rows) through SFTP. The file contains | separated values, and I'm using the following processors for data manipulation. However, the process halts after the splitJSON processor.

Has anyone else faced a similar issue or has any suggestions on how to optimize the memory usage or address this issue? I would appreciate any insights or alternative approaches that could help resolve this.

Looking forward to your suggestions!

Sachin Duggal 


Community Manager

Welcome to our community! To help you get the best possible answer, I have tagged our Airflow expert @smdas who may be able to assist you further.

Please feel free to provide any additional information or details about your query. We hope that you will find a satisfactory solution to your question.


Vidya Sargur,
Community Manager

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