Created 12-18-2015 04:28 PM
Hi all,
Default Hortonworks Sandbox 2.3.2 running in VirtualBox on Mac El Capitan. I noticed when using the HDFS file manager GUI (at ), any directories or files created are owned by "admin". Then, if I create directories or files by connecting to HDFS from the hadoop 2.7.1 command line client, they're owned by "matthew" (my Mac account name):
$ bin/hadoop fs -ls hdfs:// 10:25:33 WARN util.NativeCodeLoader: Unable to load native-hadoop library for your platform... using builtin-java classes where applicable Found 2 items -rw-r--r-- 3 matthew hdfs 116795988 2015-12-17 17:17 hdfs:// -rw-r--r-- 3 matthew hdfs 19465998 2015-12-17 17:13 hdfs://
After creating those files, I can't delete them using the HDFS file manager GUI -- there is no delete (trash can) icon for the files owned by "matthew".
I then tried to delete them via hadoop 2.7.1 with command
bin/hadoop fs -rm -r -f hdfs://
and I get an exception that starts with Permission denied: user=matthew, access=WRITE, inode="/user/matthew/.Trash/Current/tmp":hdfs:hdfs:drwxr-xr-x
I tried to ls /user/matthew with command
bin/hadoop fs -ls hdfs://
and got
ls: `hdfs://': No such file or directory
How do I remove files created via the hadoop command line client in the Hortonworks Sandbox 2.3.2?
Created 12-18-2015 04:32 PM
Created 12-18-2015 04:32 PM
Created 12-18-2015 04:36 PM
My mac has no user "hdfs".
$ su - hdfs Password: su: Sorry
Am I supposed to ssh into the sandbox and execute these commands?
Further, there is no directory found called "/user/matthew" as I indicated in my original question, so if I'd be chown'ing something that doesn't exist.
I'm confused...
Created 12-18-2015 04:53 PM
Yes , please login into sandbox or you can do ssh from mac
HW11326:Downloads nsabharwal$ ssh root@ -p 2222
root@'s password:
Last login: Thu Dec 17 23:34:06 2015 from
[root@sandbox ~]# su - hdfs
[hdfs@sandbox ~]$
Created 12-18-2015 06:56 PM
@Neeraj Sabharwal, that did the trick. Thanks!
Created 12-18-2015 06:58 PM
@Matthew Adams hdfs is life root user 😉 superuser
If this thread is resolved then please accept one of the answers...Thanks for testing
Created 01-03-2017 09:17 AM
hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/admin/matthew might be required.