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Please let me know how to get out of this problem..

New Contributor

I have installed 3 Ubuntu 20.04 live-server os and installed the CM trial version and tried to add a cluster, but I keep getting stuck on the attached image. After getting that error in the last check step, I can't get CM to reopen in any way. I have tried restarting the server and agent on the OS, but there is no response. How can I resolve these issues? Also, please let me know how is the best way to set the parcel url.

스크린샷 2024-11-10 050529.pngimage.png


Community Manager

@Lavenda, Welcome to our community! To help you get the best possible answer, I have tagged in our CM experts @AyazHussain @rki_  who may be able to assist you further.

Please feel free to provide any additional information or details about your query. We hope that you will find a satisfactory solution to your question.


Vidya Sargur,
Community Manager

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Expert Contributor

Tagging @paras  for CM.

Expert Contributor

@Lavenda Does the CM UI itself is in accessible or just the ERROR message you are receiving while trying to start the services ?

From the screenshot shared, It seems the failure / timeouts happening while it tries to create the /tmp path on HDFS, If that is the case, probably we would need to check if the Namenode is actively running and if the Datanodes are alive


If the CM is not running, probably the best place to check is on /var/log/cloudera-scm-server/ logs directory


New Contributor


@satz The image is the result of the last check step, which is to connect to localhost:7180 and add the cluster after installing the OS using the commands on the trial install page. In this situation, the status of the cluster shows that namenode is down. After that, no matter how many times you refresh the page or restart through the command in the OS, you will get the access denied (page cannot be opened) message when you connect to the CM.
Also, I install it on one OS and proceed, but sometimes, during the process of adding a cluster, only the OS installed at the time of host inspection is installed in the cluster, and the rest of the OSs are removed. (Sometimes I can completely reinstall the OSs afterward, and sometimes I can't, but I don't know the difference.

The log is so long that I want to upload the file, but there is no upload function.