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Post deployment install of Spark2 - Zeplin notebooks does not update to include spark2 interpreter

New Contributor

I deployed an HDP 2.6.3 cluster using Ambari, but did not select spar2 as an included service, later on I realized I do need sparkt2, and deployed spark2 (add service in ambari), all my clients updated to now include spark2, however, zeppelin notebooks doesn't show the spark2 interpreter, how do I add/enable this interpreter?


New Contributor

Removed the zeppelin notebook service, added the zeppelin notebook service back, and Spark2 interpreter was there this time (first attempt at adding zeppelin notebook back failed, installation din't succeed for some bizarre reason) - pro tip - installing the zeppelin service back to the same host it was on before recovers your previously saved work (also means this wasn't cleaned up when the service was removed, but in this particular case that was a plus)

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New Contributor

Removed the zeppelin notebook service, added the zeppelin notebook service back, and Spark2 interpreter was there this time (first attempt at adding zeppelin notebook back failed, installation din't succeed for some bizarre reason) - pro tip - installing the zeppelin service back to the same host it was on before recovers your previously saved work (also means this wasn't cleaned up when the service was removed, but in this particular case that was a plus)