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Problem starting CDSW sessions after deleting krb5.conf


We are running a non-kerberized cluster with around ten nodes. However, the workbench was displaying Kerberos configuration for Hadoop Authentication, because the host of the workbench had a krb5.conf file. As described in the docs ( we stoppend the workbench, deleted the file, restarted the service. However, now we're encountering this roblem when starting new sessions on the workbench. Which configuration has to be reset to get rid of this?


2019-08-08 14_11_29-New Session · simon.stemper _ Test Project · Cloudera Data Science Workbench.png


Master Collaborator

@simps In CDSW version 1.6.0 there was a wrong check in our code which failed engines if /etc/krb5.conf file was missing. We fixed it in 1.6.1

Fixed an issue where sessions on non-kerberized environments would throw the following error even though no principal was provided: Kerberos principal provided, but no krb5.conf and cluster is not Kerberized.

Cloudera Bug: DSE-7236

Please see if you can upgrade to this minor release or as a workaround you can place a dummy krb5.conf in /etc/ on all CDSW hosts.







View solution in original post


Master Guru

@simps  Can you please Goto the CDSW > Account settings > Hadoop Authentication and delete the principal and credentials (password) save changes and then try to launch the session.

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Unfortunately not, because in Hadoop authentication the only field shown is to set the HADOOP_USER_NAME env variable, as shown in the screenshot:

2019-10-23 15_58_22-Hadoop Authentication · simon.stemper · Cloudera Data Science Workbench.png

I believe we started to kerberize the cluster some time ago but stopped relatively early in the process due to time constraints. Maybe a setting somewhere in the cluster is to blame?

Master Collaborator

@simps In CDSW version 1.6.0 there was a wrong check in our code which failed engines if /etc/krb5.conf file was missing. We fixed it in 1.6.1

Fixed an issue where sessions on non-kerberized environments would throw the following error even though no principal was provided: Kerberos principal provided, but no krb5.conf and cluster is not Kerberized.

Cloudera Bug: DSE-7236

Please see if you can upgrade to this minor release or as a workaround you can place a dummy krb5.conf in /etc/ on all CDSW hosts.








This fixed my issue. Thanks!