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QlikView connect to Kerberos-enabled HiveServer2

Rising Star

Abbott has a third party tool, QlikView, which needs to run Hive queries.

Suppose our cluster is kerberized via existing AD.

Once HDP cluster is kerberized, QlikView needs to be kerberized as well----it can get through Knox, but let's take Knox out of the picture for this discussion.

My questions are:

1. since both QlikView and HDP cluster are kerberized via the same AD, QlikView ticket should be recognized by HDP cluster. But, is there any extra setting needed? do we need to put QlikView service Account to OU=HadoopService?

2. QlikView is a server, user can log in to QlikView through AD. I believe Hive ACLs applies to each individual user no matter they are via QlikView or not --- this question is more like to QlikView guy, not us.


Master Mentor


Please see this blog LINK

1) since both QlikView and HDP cluster are kerberized via the same AD, QlikView ticket should be recognized by HDP cluster. But, is there any extra setting needed? do we need to put QlikView service Account to OU=HadoopService?

AD user logs in and if this user is able to run beeline then same user will have access to QlikView to connect to HS2.

Q2 - for QlikView team

View solution in original post


Master Mentor


Please see this blog LINK

1) since both QlikView and HDP cluster are kerberized via the same AD, QlikView ticket should be recognized by HDP cluster. But, is there any extra setting needed? do we need to put QlikView service Account to OU=HadoopService?

AD user logs in and if this user is able to run beeline then same user will have access to QlikView to connect to HS2.

Q2 - for QlikView team

Master Mentor

@rxu what did you end up doing? Please accept best answer or provide your own solution?