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QuickStart VM requires 8 GB of RAM. My Laptop has 8GB RAM in total, any solution?

New Contributor



My Loptop has only 8GB RAM in total. OS is Windows 10. QuickStart VM requires 8 GB RAM. I want to work with QuickStart VM for learning / evaluation purpose. Is it possible to install previous versions CDH 5.2 or 5.3 (QuickStart VM) or make this version work in 5 GB RAM. I would prefer if I can get access to a preconfigured QuickStart VM rather then going through the pain of installing linux / ubantu and configuring them. Please Help.


Master Collaborator

Yes you can use Spark and all of the services in the VM. None depend on Cloudera Manager at all.

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Community Manager

Welcome to the community @HPathak. I have good news and bad news. The good news is that the quickstart VM only requires 4GB+ of RAM allocated to the VM if you are chosing the CDH5 option. The bad news is that if you want to use Cloudera Manager (Cloudera Express option and above) you will need to allocate 8GB+ or RAM to the VM. 


Screen Shot 2016-04-20 at 2.47.24 PM.png


This requirement goes back as far as I can recall so if there is an older version requiring less RAM I don't think it would be suitable to your evaluation.


I hope this helps. 

Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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New Contributor
Thanks a lot Cy Jervis for your response. Few questions if you could shade some light on: -

I am specifically interested in Spark/Scala job development, specially aggregate functionality that Spark provides. Can I work with this in CDH 5 default mode ? since as per my understanding (which I am not very sure of) cloudera manager is the central service which controls all the services & will only work in express or enterprise mode? Is there a workaround by which I can manage this?

In General what is it that I can do in default mode? As documentation posted by cloudera only deals with express or enterprise mode

Thanks a lot again for taking sometime out and responding to my query.

Community Manager

To be honest, I do not know the answer off the top of my head. Can you provide links to the documentation you are looking at so I can check into it. I may be able to get some input from @srowen as well. 

Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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Master Collaborator

Yes you can use Spark and all of the services in the VM. None depend on Cloudera Manager at all.

New Contributor

Thanks a lot to both of you for helping me out here.



I was refering to below link it has feature comparision of express vs enterprise edition. I could not find similler comparision of CDH default vs CDH express edition

Thanks a lot again for the help  ðŸ™‚

New Contributor



My laptop is having 12 GB RAM, I am trying to run CDH 5.8.0 using VM Player (version 6.0.X) , But it does not start and no error also comes up. When I am clicking start VM, it try to start it and stops after 2 3 seconds. No error message no trace.


Can you please help. As per Cludera CDH information available on page, 4 GB is enough but even though after allocating 8 GB, VM not starting.



Community Manager

In your case @hsingh82ggn you could be running into a different problem than RAM. Give our community article on setting up a QuickStart VM a read. My best guess off the top of my head would be a corrupted download which can happen with such a large file and why we recommend using a download manager. Another tip is to be sure to follow step number 4 in the article when creating the VM as it provisions the machine for you and you can then adjust the RAM after if needed afterward. 

Cy Jervis, Manager, Community Program
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New Contributor

I am facing the same problem. I want to explore hadoop services such as flume, hive etc for learning purpose. I read this thread, but I couldn't come to any conclusion. Can anyone please tell me the direct solution?