Created on 12-01-2016 10:57 PM - edited 08-19-2019 02:08 AM
I am getting an error when accessing the AUDIT tab "unable to connect to audit store" . When I looked at the xa_portal.log file I see the following errors ,which tells me its trying to use SOLR which I have disabled , please see the screenshot and log below :
2016-12-01 17:47:08,845 [http-bio-6080-exec-2] FATAL org.apache.ranger.solr.SolrMgr ( - Solr ZKHosts and URL for Audit are empty. Please set property ranger.audit.solr.zookeepers or ranger.audit.solr.urls 2016-12-01 17:47:08,845 [http-bio-6080-exec-2] WARN org.apache.ranger.solr.SolrAccessAuditsService ( - Solr client is null, so not running the query. 2016-12-01 17:47:08,845 [http-bio-6080-exec-2] INFO org.apache.ranger.common.RESTErrorUtil ( - Request failed. SessionId=297, loginId=admin, logMessage=Error connecting to search engine javax
as you see the audit to SOLR is turned off
Created 12-01-2016 11:01 PM
The audit tab in Ranger uses Solr to perform the queries and display audit events. The Range audit UI can not query the audit logs on HDFS. HDFS is only for longer term storage of the audit logs. If you want to view audit data via the UI, you need to eanble the Audit to Solr slider.
Turning off the Audit to Solr option just turns off sending of the logs to Solr. The Ranger admin UI still expects Solr for the audit display to work properly.
Created 12-01-2016 11:01 PM
The audit tab in Ranger uses Solr to perform the queries and display audit events. The Range audit UI can not query the audit logs on HDFS. HDFS is only for longer term storage of the audit logs. If you want to view audit data via the UI, you need to eanble the Audit to Solr slider.
Turning off the Audit to Solr option just turns off sending of the logs to Solr. The Ranger admin UI still expects Solr for the audit display to work properly.
Created 12-01-2016 11:04 PM
You need to enable the "Audit to solr" Refer the documentation