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[RESOLVED] OOZIE : workflow log

Rising Star

Hi all,

In the oozie log, how i can know if the workflow is successed, failing, killing ?



@mayki wogno

Checking the Status of a Workflow, Coordinator or Bundle Job or a Coordinator Action


$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -info 14-20090525161321-oozie-joe
Workflow Name :  map-reduce-wf
App Path      :  hdfs://localhost:9000/user/joe/workflows/map-reduce
Status        :  SUCCEEDED
Run           :  0
User          :  joe
Group         :  users
Created       :  2009-05-26 05:01 +0000
Started       :  2009-05-26 05:01 +0000
Ended         :  2009-05-26 05:01 +0000
Action Name             Type        Status     Transition  External Id            External Status  Error Code    Start                   End
hadoop1                 map-reduce  OK         end         job_200904281535_0254  SUCCEEDED        -             2009-05-26 05:01 +0000  2009-05-26 05:01 +0000

The info option can display information about a workflow job or coordinator job or coordinator action.

The offset and len option specified the offset and number of actions to display, if checking a workflow job or coordinator job.

The localtime option displays times in local time, if not specified times are displayed in GMT.

The verbose option gives more detailed information for all the actions, if checking for workflow job or coordinator job.



Checking the server logs of a Workflow, Coordinator or Bundle Job


$ oozie job -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -log 14-20090525161321-oozie-joe


Incase if we dont know the oozie job id:

Checking the Status of multiple Workflow Jobs


$ oozie jobs -oozie http://localhost:8080/oozie -localtime -len 2 -fliter status=RUNNING
Job Id                          Workflow Name         Status     Run  User      Group     Created                Started                 Ended
4-20090527151008-oozie-joe     hadoopel-wf           RUNNING    0    joe      other     2009-05-27 15:34 +0530 2009-05-27 15:34 +0530  -
0-20090527151008-oozie-joe     hadoopel-wf           RUNNING    0    joe      other     2009-05-27 15:15 +0530 2009-05-27 15:15 +0530  -

The jobs sub-command will display information about multiple jobs.

The offset and len option specified the offset and number of jobs to display, default values are 1 and 100 respectively.

The localtime option displays times in local time, if not specified times are displayed in GMT.

The verbose option gives more detailed information for each job.

A filter can be specified after all options.

The filter option syntax is: [NAME=VALUE][;NAME=VALUE]* .

Valid filter names are:

  • name: the workflow application name from the workflow definition.
  • user: the user that submitted the job.
  • group: the group for the job.
  • status: the status of the job.

The query will do an AND among all the filter names. The query will do an OR among all the filter values for the same name. Multiple values must be specified as different name value pairs.

Rising Star

@Ayub Khan Thanks for answer but I'm having acces only to the logs not the oozie command


@mayki wogno If you know the job_id/workflow id, then grep for it in the oozie logs, this might help.


@Ayub Khan you can grep "ExternalStatu" or "Status" in the log with workflow id.