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Ranger API Conflicting Data with UI


I am looking in the Kafka policies in my current Ranger Instance. There is a policy called "service_all - cluster".


When I look here are the two allow conditions for this policy -


However, when I run this API call to get all the policies for kafka and search for the "service_all - cluster" this is result - 

	<name>service_all - cluster</name>
	<description>Service Policy for all - cluster</description>


Here you can see there are 3 extra accesses given called publish, consume, delete that aren't showing up in the user interface. 

Yesterday I did a whole reimport of all the policies for Kafka and it fixed the issue but after a restart of ranger this happened again. I checked the underlying database and it's consistent with the User Interface but again the API call is adding those three extra accesses. 

Does anyone know what happens after a restart that is causing the API call to differ from the User Interface?