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Ranger Audit - Not working

Expert Contributor

I don't see access log is being reported in ranger. Need to set this u.




Check the errors in ranger admin log. Also check configs for audit (solr url etc) are set correctly.

Expert Contributor

I am not using solr and I could see the logs in hdfs. It being stored in /ranger/audit folder on HDFS. But why I can't see this in the Ranger Audit page. I would like to see access and denial in Ranger admin UI. I could see all other tabs such as admin, login session and plugins but no access audit..

Expert Contributor

@Prakash Punj Did you get the access tab to work in ranger? Will be glad if you post the solution to this issue...Thank you.


Prakash Punj Audit source from HDFS is not supported at Ranger end. However, you can store audits in HDFS through plugins. so if you want to get audits on ranger UI, you need to change the audit source to solr and store the audits to solr.