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Ranger not Enable from HIVE


When I enable the Ranger Service from HIVE in Cloudera Manager, it's getting an error like:

"Hive Impersonation is enabled for Hive Server2 role 'HiveServer2 (node1)'. Hive Impersonation should be disabled to enable Hive authorization using Ranger"

I want to access control from Ranger, But I cant 
Anybody, please help me.





Can you try to disable the Hive impersonation?  If impersonation is enabled then all your hive queries will run as hive user and hive is super user for hive service which wouldn't be a good setup as you may want to restrict access to some users.


When you disable the hive impersonation then all queries will be submitted by the actual user and ranger will be able to provide the authorisation.


If it is enabled it doesn't make sense to use ranger.


Are you using CDP?



View solution in original post





Can you try to disable the Hive impersonation?  If impersonation is enabled then all your hive queries will run as hive user and hive is super user for hive service which wouldn't be a good setup as you may want to restrict access to some users.


When you disable the hive impersonation then all queries will be submitted by the actual user and ranger will be able to provide the authorisation.


If it is enabled it doesn't make sense to use ranger.


Are you using CDP?